I'm about to be the last bitch standing up in this motherfucker.


Have you lost your damn mind?

Lou-Lou [to Raq]

Kanan: You know what I did?
Jukebox: How you feeling?
Kanan: I had to do it. Dude was coming after me and my family. He had to go. You know that's how we do.

Raq: Grateful to you for what you did tonight, Kanan. It was a lot to ask, and you ain't hesitate.
Kanan: I did it for us.
Raq: You did. Love you.
Kanan: Love you, too.

Dead cops, dead my work. Which might be the fucking point. Fucking, Raq. You know bitch told me when the time came, I wouldn't see it coming. She was right. I see her ass now, though.


Jess: What the fuck are you doing, Lou?
Lou-Lou: Raq must be out her goddamn mind.
Jess: Lou, you can not leave. Your lungs are all fucked up and shit. They said you'd be here for at least another five days. You ain't got shit to do with none of this. You've been in the hospital.
Lou-Lou: I gotta get to my sister. Understand what the fuck going on.

Kanan: You think all that's about me?
Scrappy: Whatchu think?