Dani: That guy seems great.
Malcolm: He is! I think. Vijay and I went to boarding school together. His dad went to prison for smuggling cocaine, so.
Dani: Aww. You were bad-dad kids.
Malcolm: Something like that. In ninth grade, we used to own the corner table at lunch. The one no one else sat at
Dani: You were a weird loner in high school? Stop.

Malcolm: Vijay and I went to boarding school together. His dad went to prison for smuggling cocaine so ... Dani: Awww. You were "bad dad" kids.

Malcolm: Maybe the problem was me.
Martin: Oh, don't beat yourself up. Trust me. You weren't the problem.
Malcolm. You're right. YOU were.
Martin: [chuckles] Walked into that one!
Malcolm: I didn't trust him, and that's because of you. 
Martin: C'mon, I mean how many problems in your life can you blame on me? No friends, night terrors; did I give you psoriasis to boot?

Martin: Wait, are you going to blackmail your way into surgery?
Malcolm: Yeah.
Martin: That's my boy.

This phone is reserved for telemarketers and politicians. Identify yourself so I know how hard to slam the receiver.


Martin: What did you say to our son? Malcolm isn't answering my calls.
Jessica: I haven't said a word to him.
Martin: You know I'd hate to tell the police the true story, but my feelings have been hurt.
Jessica: Psychopaths don't have feelings.
Martin: Actually we do. Trick is we can turn them off whenever we want.

Jessica: You need to make a statement to the police.
Malcolm: You're going to tell them that mom was forced to stab you by the real killer. 
Martin: But in fact, it was you, my boy. Or I don't say anything, and mommy dearest becomes Bedford correctional's newest inmate free to live out all of her sapphic dreams.

How long have you been in love with Sheila, Pete?


Martin: Might want to run you through a CT scan if you survive this, killer.
Malcolm: I'm not a --
Martin: Killer? Murderer? Psycho? I beg to differ. Look at what you did, taking out four hardened criminals in one fell swoop.
Malcolm: I didn't shoot anybody.
Martin: Oh, you didn't pull the trigger or load the guns no, no, no. You loaded their minds. With fear. And anger, each one to the exact right amount. Oh, my boy, it was a work of genius. All this talk of friends is really beside the point. You don't need friends. You're just like your old man.

Dani: What happened?
Vijay: We happened. The corner table boys. The bad seeds. We saved the day. I'm not under arrest, am I? 

I know about your search for the girl in the box and you know my background. Please, let me help you.


Martin: So is this what it's like worrying about your kids? Thinking of all the terrible things that could be happening? Parenting is tough stuff. It's good to have someone to talk to. Someone who cares as much as you do.
Jessica: You're right. I should call Gil.
Martin: And she turns the dagger.

Prodigal Son Season 1 Episode 16 Quotes

Malcolm: Vijay and I went to boarding school together. His dad went to prison for smuggling cocaine so ... Dani: Awww. You were "bad dad" kids.

Jessica: You need to make a statement to the police.
Malcolm: You're going to tell them that mom was forced to stab you by the real killer. 
Martin: But in fact, it was you, my boy. Or I don't say anything, and mommy dearest becomes Bedford correctional's newest inmate free to live out all of her sapphic dreams.