Cat: The image of Ethan's mother reaching out? I saw something similar in my NDE.
Ivan: I thought you said you don't recognize her.
Cat: I don't, but I saw my son reaching out to me. Ethan saw his mother. In many of the accounts of NDEs, people talk about seeing loved ones.
Ivan: So you think we could be looking at Ethan's NDE.
Cat: Maybe, except Ethan didn't have a NEAR death experience. When Will reached out to me, that's when I came back. But...
Ivan: Ethan didn't. Ethan kept going. Ethan went all the way. He crossed over.

Janel: I can't believe Dr. Tyler had a near death experience and never told us about it.
Zed: That I can believe.

You know the trouble with just believing? It's too easy. Being skeptical, without being closed minded, that's the hard thing. So, no, I'm not giving up.


If you're talking about immortality, it always struck me as wildly overrated.


Ivan: Tell me. Waddya see?
Cat: A game of Jenga for a billionare?

Charles: Don't worry about what other people expect you to do, do what's right for you.
Zed: If only it were that simple.

Do you think you could sneak me into a surgery? It doesn't have to be a transplant or anything like that. But, could it be a transplant?


Carolyn: Maybe I should go.
Charles: What? Like maybe we have a ghost in the house?

You know, if this is going to work, you're going to have to put away your preconceptions, as unfamiliar as that may be for you.


Carolyn: Excuse me?
Ivan: Kicking the bucket, taking the big dirt nap. You're a doctor. I'm sure you're familiar with the concept.

Carolyn: So, no new pictures from the other side?
Lily: They told me not to tell you about it anymore.
Carolyn: They? They who?

Peter: Is it so hard for you to believe that there is something more?
Carolyn: Yes! And you want to know why? Because I really want to, I really wish I could be like other people who take things on faith, but I can't. I need to know!
Peter: You can. You're just not trying hard enough.

Proof Quotes

Carolyn: Excuse me?
Ivan: Kicking the bucket, taking the big dirt nap. You're a doctor. I'm sure you're familiar with the concept.

Ivan: Mind if we skip the usual chit chat, like the amazing amazing architecture, what a great pleasure to meet me, all that?
Carolyn: I have rounds to make.
Ivan: Right. Good. I'm dying.