I killed a hero!


Alex: All this time and I still don't know who the real Simon Asher is.
Simon: Nobody is ever just one thing.

Alex: I thought I knew you.
Simon: No one knows anyone else, ever.

Life's full of hard choices. This wasn't one of them.


Ten from her is better than three from us.


Every time you talk, every time you smile, I can see the little wheels spinning in your head. Every gesture, every laugh, every move that you make is like a calculation. It's a performance.


Hey sweetheart, maybe if you made a couple friends, they'd call you too.


They started to frame you the day you walked into Quantico.


Shelby: You reach a river in the forest. Do you cross it or go around?
Nimah: I would have checked the map first.

Caleb: Tell me what you see, Alex.
Alex: I see a narcissistic sociopath that's in over his head.

Everybody got to see the real me. Didn't like what they saw, did they?


The Alex Parrish I knew at Quantico wasn't a terrorist.


Quantico Season 1 Episode 3 Quotes

Hey, really cool spy training. What's next, how fast you can close a sandwich in a ziplock bag?


Maybe you're tired from all those late night phone calls you take in the bathroom.
