Being real has never gone out of style.


Mo: The seeds remember the land they came from.
Nova: My mother used to tell us about how girls would braid rice and okra into their hair when they were stolen from Africa to remember home.
Mo: Yeah, lots of African plants and crops are here in the Americas because of those women.

We only acquire what sells, and if we bring you into the Ivory NFT art show, you need to sell and keep selling. Otherwise, you're dead weight.


Sam, not much has ever been in our favor, never has been, and we are still here. We're still fighting, and we never give up. You should know that by now.


This land needs to remain untouched. It is the final resting place for the victims of the Thibodaux massacre, but it is also my family home. Our home. My ancestors. Our ancestors have endured enough suffering in life. In death, we need to allow them to rest in peace.


You know you always have one foot out the door. Either step in or out. Make a choice.

Nova [to Billie]

Nova: Stop thinking and just do.
Billie: I'm going to need you to get a new catchphrase.

Queen Sugar Season 7 Episode 2 Quotes

Mo: The seeds remember the land they came from.
Nova: My mother used to tell us about how girls would braid rice and okra into their hair when they were stolen from Africa to remember home.
Mo: Yeah, lots of African plants and crops are here in the Americas because of those women.

Being real has never gone out of style.
