Maybe we do all die alone but that doesn't mean we need to live alone.


Seriously who needs to see all that blood? Unless it's Game of Thrones, I'm not interested.


The problem isn't that I threw away my red band, Dash. The problem is that I put it on in the first place.


Hunter: Have you ever heard of a guy named David Rosen?
Kara: I'm from Beverly Hills, I know like seven David Rosens.

Hunter: I told you to stay.
Kara: Yeah, I'm not a Golden Retriever.

I'm sorry if there's even a chance he's taking his clothes off, I have to be there.


Maybe they came to burn their bras in honor of nurse Jackson.


Sorry, I'm just not good at taking sides, especially since one of the sides has George Clooney hair and could be the father of my future child.


Brittany, in the three days since Jackson's been gone I've worked four doubles which I didn't even know was mathematically possible. I've been thrown up on eleven times, shaved a screaming child whose medication was making him grow body hair, and now I'm compulsively eating deep fried beef just to stay awake.


Red Band Society Season 1 Episode 7 Quotes

Sorry, I'm just not good at taking sides, especially since one of the sides has George Clooney hair and could be the father of my future child.


Brittany, in the three days since Jackson's been gone I've worked four doubles which I didn't even know was mathematically possible. I've been thrown up on eleven times, shaved a screaming child whose medication was making him grow body hair, and now I'm compulsively eating deep fried beef just to stay awake.
