Michael: What's with the vibe?
Max: I don't have a vibe.
Michael: I don't need my alien mojo to know when something's wrong with you. Oh. You're in your feels because we're muggles now.

Max Evans is an alien, isn't he? Your secret is safe. I know what it's like to hide something the world isn't ready to understand.

Shivani [to Liz]

Roy: Look, I know you don’t want to hear it. But Louise wants you to re-think letting your boy remain out of his pod. She says it’s dangerous. Especially after what happened back on Oasis with her daughter’s teacher.
Theo: Kids are meant to run, play, and explore. My son needs to be out here, so I can teach and love him.
Roy: You know how to raise your son. But remember, what you put on a chess board can become a chess piece.

Dallas: Okay, since when do we need the full spa package for a mindscape?
Isobel: Since, uh, Theo locked up your memories trying to protect you, I figured we could use the entire earth, wind, and fire.

Clyde: Why should I trust you? Either of you?
Bonnie: Because you saved me on Oasis. You made me feel like I mattered and this quest to return home, it matters to you. How could I not help?

Bonnie: I didn’t think Earth had the same evil streak as Oasis.
Max: Well, there’s evil everywhere.

Killing you isn’t the only way I can hurt you.

Jones [to Theo]

Okay, damn. You just went all ten commandments on that pond!

Isobel [to Dallas]

Michael: I promised that I would protect her.
Max: Let me keep that promise, okay? You rest.

I know Alex is busy, but you would think he would check in.

Michael [to Maria]

Liz: You're gonna find that cure. And then you're gonna find your way back to Allie. I don't believe any situation is hopeless.
Shivani: That's what I like about you, Liz. That optimism.

What if the strength of our love is what burns it down?

to Liz}