Earlier tonight I went out. I went out hard. I drank a lot of whiskey. I wish I could say I didn't enjoy it, that I felt sick to my stomach, couldn't even look at myself in the mirror afterward, but I can't say that. Because it was perfect. And that kind of perfection doesn't make me feel weak. It makes me feel strong. I looked at myself in the mirror and I finally recognized that person I once knew so well. That person who went out all the time, sometimes just for fun. And now that I've seen that person again, I don't know if I could ever go back.


Quinn: Why is Abby the only one who ever questions Olivia?
Harrison: Come again?
Quinn: Look, I'm trying here, okay, I am. I'm trying to be a team player. I'm trying to be just another associate at Pope and Associates but every time I look at Olivia, I think, this woman saved my life, and she won't tell me how and she won't tell me why. And I know she's done things for all of us, fixed all of us, but no one asks her any questions. We all just do whatever she says, and doesn't that ever bother you?
Harrison: You know what I think about when I look at Olivia? My bookkeeping degree. That's what you do, right, when you spend eight years in federal prison? That's what I was facing for insider trading. Eight years of my life wasted if she hadn't saved me. So the way I see it, Liv's a good person. And if a good person has to do something bad for the right reasons, I'm down with that. So i don't want to know the how's. I don't want to know the why's. I just want to come to work every day thankful that I didn't have to earn a bookkeeping degree.

Huck: Don't do it.
Peter: Excuse me?
Huck: Wherever you're going after you drop your wife at the hotel, the hardware store, the gun shop, the safe in the back of your closet, don't go there. Don't do it. It's not worth it. He's not worth it. It will feel good for a few seconds, but then it will eat at you for the rest of your life.

Fitz: You go your way, I'll go mine. I'm married. I have children. I can't do this. It's not fair to you, or to me, or to Mellie, or to the country. I have to be responsible. Right?
Olivia: Right.

Fitz: You must really hate me. For falling in love with you...
Olivia: Can I walk out of here or will I be stopped by Tom and Hal?
Fitz: Liv--
Olivia: Where can this go, really? Other than me joining the Mile High Club with you in Air Force One, how is there any future here?
Fitz: Fine. We're done.
Olivia: What?
Fitz: I'm letting you go. That's what you want, right?

Fitz: I wanted to see you.
Olivia: Why? What's the point?
Fitz: I'm going to the G8 tonight. You want to hitch a ride on Air Force One? No, I didn't think so.

If she would talk to someone, let someone in once in a while, maybe she wouldn't wear out so many pairs of expensive shoes. To Hell with it. I'm going in.


Fitz: They worked together. I...they worked together.
Cyrus: The women in your life play a very mean game of political chess.
Fitz: Game over. They win.

Fitz: The woman's a political genius?
Cyrus: Which one?
Fitz: Huh?
Cyrus: Mellie or Liv?
Fitz: Both of them.

Olivia: What do you want, Mellie?
Mellie: Your story, that protest, it's starting to die. The crowds get smaller every day, and my husband's administration is refusing to engage. It would be a great help to you if the First Lady of the United States took a stand on this, wouldn't it?

Verna: Liv, I've seen you two together. You breathe in sync.
Olivia: You have a very active imagination.

Verna: You try so hard to get that man to walk away from you. Have you ever stopped to consider how painful it's going to be if you succeed? If he actually does walk away?
O: I have no idea what you're talking about.
Verna: We worked on the general election together, and I'm not stupid. And we've been through far too much together to pretend. And you're pushing him away because you think it's the right thing to do, as if right and wrong are fixed.

Scandal Season 2 Episode 4 Quotes

Cyrus: You can't be here.
Olivia: I wouldn't have come if I didn't I need a favor.

Mellie: I want a seat at the table.
Cyrus: You have a seat at the table.
Mellie: The kiddie table. I want a seat at the adult's table like I was during the election. Or have you forgotten how things worked back then?
Cyrus: We've all made sacrifices, me as much as anyone. That was the election. This is the White House and in the White House, this is the way things work.