Rowan: Ask yourself a simple question: What would Olivia Pope do?

Cyrus I'm not fighting my father because there's no way to win.


Susan: Ask me like a normal person.
David: Susan... will you marry me?

Tell the captain to put the damn plane in the air.


I hate you, snow flake.


Abby's doing her job. We have a problem.


Mellie: You mean she sent one of her people?
Fitz: I mean she did it with her bare hands.
Mellie: You should have told me.
Fitz: You should have asked.
Mellie: Wow. Props to Liv.

Olivia: Are you still getting married?
Jake: Do you want me to get married?

Olivia: Jake has a weakness. If I exploit it maybe I can get information out of him.
Huck: What's his weakness?
Olivia: Me.

Huck: Were you followed?
Olivia: No, they're buying the entire act.

I've been reading about you. For a screw up you're actually very bright.


I've decided you are going to eat something today.


Scandal Season 5 Quotes

[To Mellie] You don't matter to me. And now you also don't matter to the most powerful man on the face of the Earth.


[to Mellie] First, let's be clear. You did not do anything for me. You did that for you. You only ever do anything for your own benefit. Second, you didn't take me in. I was your prisoner. I was your puppet. I was your bitch. Third, my payment was that I got you elected. You are sitting in that chair, in this office, a United States Senator, because of me. That is how I repaid you. Fourth, one can only be betrayed if there is loyalty first. I was never loyal to you and you were never loyal to me. I don't think you've ever been loyal to anyone.
