Walter: Is something wrong?
Ralph: Other than the fact you fired my mom?
Walter: I didn't fire her. Her skillset was needed anymore because she was so good at her job that everyone at Scorpion evolved.
Sly: Cabe! Happy is chasing me with raw meat!
Walter: More or less.
Ralph: You're forgetting one thing: I'm smarter than you, and I know why you fired my mom. Because you're a coward who can't face how he feels about her.
Walter: Ralph you're just a kid, you can't understand.
Ralph: I understand that today is about Happy and Toby, so we're done talking. And you're lucky I'm a kid. If I was bigger, I'd fight you. You hurt my mother.

Walter: He's trying to fit into his wedding tux.
Cabe: The wedding's tonight, just get a bigger size.
Walter: He refuses to. Happy saw Ryan Duckling wearing a tux like that in a movie poster.
Toby: It's Gosling, and she lingered. She likes the threads.
Cabe: You ever think she lingered on Gosling?

Walter: Your services are no longer required at Scorpion.
Paige: I'm sorry, what?
Walter: You've done your job, incredibly well, so it's time for a new challenge.

Have you considered that you weren't lying to Walter when you told him you loved him? Perhaps it worked because his brain processed it as a fact. Please just think about it.


I don't want our relationship to die like our plants in the biodome.


Wow, pretzels, three adults, and a kid. The cops are going to break up this bachelor party any minute.


Sly: You made out with your palm. Who cares!
Walter: Wait, what?
Sly: When you imagined you were kissing Paige, you sort of sucked face with your hand.

Everyone knew? I poured my heart out to her and everyone knew? So all this time, I'm walking around the office unaware, like an imbecile. And I'm disappointed in Paige. She lied to me.


What's a bachelor party without cocktails? We're going to blow that door off its hinges.


Walter: If we're going to effectively dry drown in our own lung fluid, I have to demand that you tell me what happened on that rocket.
Toby: You won't like it.
Walter: Try me.

Walter: You guys lied to me! I know what happened. Paige told me she loved me in space.
Happy: Oh man.
Toby: Oh no.
Sly: Oh boy.
Paige: Oh crap.

Sly: Walter, you've got bigger problems than a seven month old case.
Paige: I don't like that voice. That's your "I see something scary" voice.
Ralph: That's how he always sounds.
Paige: Exactly.

Scorpion Season 3 Quotes

Then try this, you can't spell hypothalamus without us.


Walter: I'm almost there. What do I say when I see her?
Toby: Poetry.

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