Talos: Remember Bob? The guy that'll launch a nuclear attack?
Nick: All right, I'm sorry. I didn't realize that.
Talos: No, that 'cause you were too busy riding the "we did that" wave.
Nick: You got any more abuse you wanna hurl my way? Or are you ready to go in here and take care of Bob? And then I get to say, "We did that."
Nick: We can do that.

Sonya: Whoever this is, you shouldn't have this number.
Nick: What do you know about a British submarine called Neptune?
Sonya: First, I want an apology.
Nick: I just gave away the only one of those I had today.
Sonya: Well, you'll have to double down, 'cause you rather rudely attached a nasty bug to my beloved Hoot.
Nick: Tell me that's not the name of that owl clock.
Sonya: No, not anymore. Has a new name now. Nicholas Fury. He has a rather dashing little eye patch now.
Nick: I'm serious, Sonya. I have it on good authority. Neptune is planning to launch on the UN Delegation. That would mean World War III.
Sonya: Well, why would they do something silly like that?
Nick: Because at least one of Gravik's rebels has infiltrated Command. Can you make the call?
Sonya: Unfortunately, I'm dealing with my own infiltration at the moment. Somebody leaked the location of the butcher's shop when I was doing some of my best work, so my hands are tied.
Nick: Loose enough to get the captain's name? His name is Commodore Robert Fairbanks.
Sonya: Bob!
Nick: Can I get a photo and address?
Sonya: Absolutely. Shall I tell him you're on your way?

Nick: Why don't you shapeshift back into this piece of trash and call in an abort on that missile strike?
Talos: Great idea. Why didn't I think of that? Maybe 'cause he's the only one who knows the code word.
Nick: You got a code for us, Commodore?

Talos: When I came here in 1995, you were just a benchwarming nobody in a dumpy field office in S.H.I.E.L.D.
Nick: Benchwarming?
Talos: What, do you have a different take on this?
Nick: I was ascending the ranks.
Talos: You didn't start ascending the ranks until me and 19 of my people signed on as your invisible spy network. You know, we fed you more dirt and intel than you could've uncovered on your own in a lifetime, so please. I mean, every time you were promoted inside S.H.I.E.L.D., we did that. Every terror attack you prevented, we did that. Every enemy you sabotaged and ally you leveraged with dirt no one else in the world had access to, we did that. You're a smart and capable guy, Fury. Nobody questions that. But you've gotta admit, your life got a hell of a lot more charmed once I came into it. And do you know something? I don't even need to hear a bloody thank you from you. It was my pleasure, mate. Least you can do is not rewrite history when the guy who helped write it with you the first time is sitting right next to you.

Gravik: Long before we arrived on this planet, they were destined to consume themselves. So, for anyone flinching at the thought of innocent deaths, let me assure you, we're only hastening the inevitable.
Sergio: And what happens if the Avengers return?
Gravik: You don't think I thought about that? Put your faith in me. And I promise, your loyalty will be repaid.

Gravik: I see you, all dressed up in the man's finery, drinking the man's wine. Playing the man's game, using the man's fork and knife.
Nato Skrull: Better to behave as a human than as a dog.
Gravik: Well, I quite like dogs. In fact, I prefer'em. Dogs aren't hypocrites. And they don't lie. They don't lock each other up in cages.

Developing Story at this hour. Several bombs exploded today at an annual celebration in Moscow, killing at least 2,000 civilians. One suspect is currently in custody, identified as a leading member of the online fringe group, Americans Against Russia. The UK Prime Minister was quick to denounce the attack, while the NATO Secretary-General says... Despite the outpouring of condemnation, all signs point towards imminent retaliation from Russia for what the Kremlin regards as an all-out declaration of war by the Americans. They're all saying we had something to do with Moscow. Well, I call bull on that. There's no way that Moscow attack was committed by Americans. This has got false flag written all over it.


Nick: Tell me something I don't know about the destruction of Skrullos.
Talos: You know everything there is to know about it, Fury.
Nick: Name of the game is Tell Me Something I Don't Know.
Talos: We were overpowered by the Kree. We held'em off for as long as we could. When we couldn't hold'em off any longer, the million of us that were left, we fled.
Nick : Interesting. Tell me something I don't know about the Skrulls that fled. Talos: Um... They're here.
Nick: Who's here? All of us.
Nick: Wait. Whoa, whoa, whoa! You're tellin' me there's a million Skrulls walking amongst us right now? Have you lost your reptilian-ass mind?
Talos: I sent out the call and every Skrull that isn't in Emperor Drogge's colony, they answered.
Nick: You lied to me!
Talos: Hey, we were being hunted across the universe. I had two choices, I could let my people be annihilated or summon'em here to Earth. What would you have done?
Nick: This ain't about me!
Talos: Oh, right. But you're fine using us as your spies and your errand boys, long as it's on your terms.
Nick: The host gets to set the terms of the visitation.
Talos: What happens when the host disappears, huh? 'Cause you were gone! And I didn't think you were coming back, I really didn't. And even when you did come back, there was no talking to you about anything real. Your boots barely hit Earth. And, "Oh, it's too heavy here, man. I gotta go up to my space station." You've been up there for years!
Nick: You knew how to get in touch with me, Talos, and you didn't because you didn't want me to know.
Talos: My hope... My hope is that with your help... Skrulls and humans can coexist, here on Earth.
Nick: Human can't coexist with each other! You've been here long enough to know that! We've been at war with each other since we could walk upright! There is not enough room or tolerance on this planet for another species! Matter of fact, neither is this train compartment. I think this is your stop.

Rhodey: We have a situation, Mr. President.
Ritson: Concerning?
Rhodey: Agent Fury. We've just received word that he's left S.A.B.E.R.
Ritson: What do you mean, "He left S.A.B.E.R.?"
Rhodey: Well, I can try to think of a different word. Abandoned, departed... Ritson: Agent Fury is building up the most complex aerospace defense system in the history of mankind. He can't just leave.
Rhodey: No, I agree, sir.

Fury: Tell me about Gravik.
Maria: Let's... Let's just talk about you first, yeah? We've been helping you for all these years to ensure that you kept your promise. But after The Blip, you were different. And then you disappeared. Carol Danvers disappeared.
Taros: And so did G'iah.
Nick: Hold it. Your daughter? Disappeared too... Where?
Taros: She was young. Angry that our people still don't have a home. Many of them are upset. I got kicked off the Council, pushed into exile.

Maria: Talos.
Talos: It's me.
Maria: What the hell are you doing here?
Talos: I'm chasing him.
Maria: He was one of you.
Talos: No, he's... He... He's one of them.

Prescod: Imagine a world where information can't be trusted. Not very hard, is it? News service says one thing, website says another. Society starts to fray. All we can turn to are the people we care about. But what if those people weren't who we thought they were? What if the ones closest to us, the ones we've trusted our whole lives... ...were someone else entirely? What if they weren't even human?
Ross: Agent Prescod, respectfully... uh, what exactly are you talking about? Prescod: Chaos. And that's only the beginning. Five global terrorist strikes within the past year. Each one claimed by a different group. It's business as usual. That's precisely what they want you to think. Argentina attacks Colombia, Colombia attacks the Philippines. A violent chain reaction consuming the globe. Do you realize that the entire world is at war?
Ross: Well, the atmosphere has been tense.
Prescod: There is an architect to that tension, Agent Ross. These attacks are escalating. If they hit the soil of the major power...
Ross: Oh. So you... You think the same people are behind all of this?
Prescod: Not people... Skrulls. Come on, Ross, you know the stories. This didn't start yesterday. It started 30 years ago when the Skrulls found Earth. Carol Danvers and Nick Fury promised to find them a new planet. But now... ( Chuckles ) now they don't want just any planet, they want ours. Look, can't you see it? All these groups, they're the same. Skrulls could be anybody, anywhere, at any time. And there is only a tiny handful known to live on Earth. Ross: That's barely enough to...
Prescod: To what? You have no goddamn idea what you're talking about, Ross! There could be thousands of them, tens of thousands! And you would never know.
Ross: Okay, Prescod, let's play a little game of forest for the trees, shall we? Yes, Skrulls can shapeshift. Yes, they're looking for a new home. But, as you say, the only Skrull contact has been through Nick Fury. That means they're our allies.
Prescod: Then where is Fury?
Ross: He's on S.A.B.E.R.! God... And if I'm gonna bring him down for whatever the hell this is, I need to give him something more than just theories, I need evidence. All these other attacks, they would be nothing compared to this.
Prescod: This is the one that sets the world on fire. I stopped filing reports at the office. Don't know who I can trust anymore. Other than you...
Ross: Hey, Prescod, look, I'm here to help. Okay? So... So let me take this and I'll give the information to Fury.

Secret Invasion Season 1 Quotes

Maria: Talos.
Talos: It's me.
Maria: What the hell are you doing here?
Talos: I'm chasing him.
Maria: He was one of you.
Talos: No, he's... He... He's one of them.

Prescod: Imagine a world where information can't be trusted. Not very hard, is it? News service says one thing, website says another. Society starts to fray. All we can turn to are the people we care about. But what if those people weren't who we thought they were? What if the ones closest to us, the ones we've trusted our whole lives... ...were someone else entirely? What if they weren't even human?
Ross: Agent Prescod, respectfully... uh, what exactly are you talking about? Prescod: Chaos. And that's only the beginning. Five global terrorist strikes within the past year. Each one claimed by a different group. It's business as usual. That's precisely what they want you to think. Argentina attacks Colombia, Colombia attacks the Philippines. A violent chain reaction consuming the globe. Do you realize that the entire world is at war?
Ross: Well, the atmosphere has been tense.
Prescod: There is an architect to that tension, Agent Ross. These attacks are escalating. If they hit the soil of the major power...
Ross: Oh. So you... You think the same people are behind all of this?
Prescod: Not people... Skrulls. Come on, Ross, you know the stories. This didn't start yesterday. It started 30 years ago when the Skrulls found Earth. Carol Danvers and Nick Fury promised to find them a new planet. But now... ( Chuckles ) now they don't want just any planet, they want ours. Look, can't you see it? All these groups, they're the same. Skrulls could be anybody, anywhere, at any time. And there is only a tiny handful known to live on Earth. Ross: That's barely enough to...
Prescod: To what? You have no goddamn idea what you're talking about, Ross! There could be thousands of them, tens of thousands! And you would never know.
Ross: Okay, Prescod, let's play a little game of forest for the trees, shall we? Yes, Skrulls can shapeshift. Yes, they're looking for a new home. But, as you say, the only Skrull contact has been through Nick Fury. That means they're our allies.
Prescod: Then where is Fury?
Ross: He's on S.A.B.E.R.! God... And if I'm gonna bring him down for whatever the hell this is, I need to give him something more than just theories, I need evidence. All these other attacks, they would be nothing compared to this.
Prescod: This is the one that sets the world on fire. I stopped filing reports at the office. Don't know who I can trust anymore. Other than you...
Ross: Hey, Prescod, look, I'm here to help. Okay? So... So let me take this and I'll give the information to Fury.