Bill: What do you think? Is he gonna crack?
Richard: Almost everyone does if you push them hard enough -- even if they're innocent.

Richard: If you listen to all the talk around here, everyone's crazy or evil.
Bill: Only half of it's true.
Richard: That's what I'm worried about. We're lookin' at the wrong half.

Adora: You're back early.
Alan: I wasn't feeling well.
Adora: Neither was Camille. She's already finished a bottle, poor thing.
Alan: Don't go overboard.
Adora: What?
Alan: [sighs] I mean, let the girls rest. The body's a miraculous thing. Let them do its work.
Adora: I will. I'm just helping nature along.

Camille: What's in the blue bottle?
Adora: I've waited for this for so long. For you to need me. Of my three girls, you're the one most like me. Marian, she was a good girl. She needed constant attention, stuck to my side.
Camille: You killed her.
Adora: She was a very sick little girl. [laughs] You're delirious.

Sharp Objects Season 1 Episode 8 Quotes

Bill: What do you think? Is he gonna crack?
Richard: Almost everyone does if you push them hard enough -- even if they're innocent.

Richard: If you listen to all the talk around here, everyone's crazy or evil.
Bill: Only half of it's true.
Richard: That's what I'm worried about. We're lookin' at the wrong half.