Great. Another crook.


Derek, seems our movie star has requested yet another work session. Buckle up.


Rebecca: And I was thinking about hiring a vocal coach. Is that a good idea?
All: Yes.

You need to have a thicker skin, Iowa.


Derek: I think you'd make a brilliant Marilyn. I see it. You know. In my head.
Karen: Really?

You are not an understudy. You are a star.


I feel like a frog.


Michael is not coming back! That's it. End of discussion! End of discussion.


It was something. It was total betrayal of me and Leo and 18 years of marriage. It was betrayal of everything.


I know I don't say this enough, but you're wonderful in this show, and you're gonna be great tomorrow.

Derek [to Ivy]

Ivy: I'm a women of many talents.
Derek: And, that is why I love you.

Suggestion ... I think Marilyn should sing that song.


Smash Quotes

Sam: Ivy's doing the nasty with the Dark Lord, huh?
Dennis: That's what I said.
Karen: Who's the Dark Lord?
Sam: Sauron himself, Derek.

Eileen: If that were a real Degas, what would you pay for it?
Julia: That? ... It is a real Degas.
Eileen: Yeah.

Smash Music

  Song Artist
Song Never Give All the Heart Smash Cast
The National Pastime Smash Cast iTunes
Song Beautiful Smash Cast