Crank Dealer: Why in the hell are you doin' this?
Piney: 'Cause we're the good guys.

Jax: You want to be an old lady, then act like one! Do you what you're told! Pack your shit and head back to Charming.
Tara: I just helped you mother kill someone. That old lady enough for you?!?

Tara: He's mine too. I want to be with my family.
Jax: He's not your family!

Tig: Maybe you go red head for a while.
Gemma: Aw shit, I'd rather shave my head.

Her biggest regret... losing you. Don't let your family slip away.

Nate (to Gemma)

The Cleaner: How's the drain in that slop sink?
Gemma: I think it's fine.
The Cleaner: Good. I'm in the mood for some music...80s.

You're missing a sweet Asian buffet inside...all you can eat.

Jax (to Clay)

Days like this, when I can remember everything I usually forget, these are the worst days.


Gemma: Stupid bitch.
Tara: You had her tied up in the basement, you can't...
Gemma: I'm not talking about her!

Clay: Who's up for a Canadian adventure?
(Everyone raises their hands)
Clay: You lose, eh?
Jax: You're all very unbalanced individuals.

Tara: Is he okay to drive?
Gemma: It depends on what decade he thinks he's cruising in.

Maureen: Where you taking him?
Ashby: A good, catholic family.
Maureen: He's already got a family.
Ashby: You can't make this about John.
Maureen: You ever think that he got it all wrong Kel? That if JT stayed in Belfast with me, we'd all be better off?

Sons of Anarchy Season 3 Quotes

Jax: You shoulda gone back to Chicago. The shit that happened with Kohn, that shoulda been the end.
Tara: You're not making sense.
Jax: This has to be the end. You gotta get out, from Charming...Away from me. It's simple. You don't belong here.

You really stepped up. You're the best that happened to Jax. We're all so glad you're around.

Clay [to Tara]

Sons of Anarchy Season 3 Music

  Song Artist
No Milk Today Joshua James & the Forest Rangers iTunes
Home Invasion The Chimpz iTunes
Sunset to Dawn The Sadies iTunes