I am all for equality but when they start messing with tradition, that's when I go turbo bitch. Is nothing sacred?


You guys murdered our leaders and you're worried about canceling some weird ritual where you celebrate what? Going home?


Emery: I am so sorry!
Roman: Why? Because my father's dead or because your father shot him?

How can they learn to trust us when we don't give them reason to?


Are you seriously still trying to bang that drum?

Taylor [to Grayson]

You've been in school a week and you already have boy problems? School is phenomenal.

Julia [to Emery]

I lost half of my tribe. Those who survived were gunned down by your bitch guards. But you don't see me wrapping myself in ribbon like a birthday present now do you?


I've been in a hospital half my life and even I know the way to a boy's heart is not through his dead father's passion project.


If my people found out I put them at risk to save a nice but very chatty human, there will be consequences. Bad ones. For both of us.


I need you to focus on your survival story for once.

Roman [to Emery]

I've already seen a Trag get annihilated. Can't say I liked it much.


Right now we're the Trags' best link to the outside world so fall in line. You remember what happens to Trags who disappoint my mother.

Teri [to Drake]