Culber: We collected sixteen complex hydrocarbon compounds from the Ten-C's former planet. Each conveys a different emotion -- terror, love, sadness, curiosity, peacefulness...
Hirai: ... which is the one that concerns us now. Our contingency plan entails using that hydrocarbon to try to start the communication process. Basically, 'we come in peace,' in chemical form.

Ndoye: Is taking on that level of risk really prudent?
Hirai: We won't get a different response without a different input.

Reno: Never knew being kidnapped could be so boring.
Tarka: You're not kidnapped. You're temporarily detained.
Reno: Meh, potato, po-tah-toe.

Sometimes, getting to the root cause of a feeling is helped by focusing on the feeling itself.


Saru: It is possible they do not yet see us as sentient beings.
Rillak: We have a spaceship. We warped here. Clearly, we're sentient.
Hirai: Compared to them, our technology's primitive. They've achieved Level 2 on the Kardashev Scale, maybe beyond. It's like comparing a human to a monkey with a rock.

Hirai: I'm not seeing the redundancy in patterning I'd expect from language either.
T'Rina: You're saying it's not a language?
Hirai: It may be but it's unlike any I've ever encountered. We lack the tools to understand it, in which case, it may as well not be.

Tell him to show you the math. His equations won't make any sense, but the look on his face will. Like I said, pain makes people blind.


Tarka: I've had two real friends in my life, and you were one of them.
Reno: You have a funny way of showing it.

Burnham: I feel like everything is just slipping through my fingers.
Saru: I have also struggled when I feel a lack of control. Yet, it is something with which we must make peace.

It is easy for misunderstanding to occur between different cultures when one lacks context.


If they have empathy for us, diplomacy can work.


Star Trek: Discovery Season 4 Episode 12 Quotes

Ndoye: Is taking on that level of risk really prudent?
Hirai: We won't get a different response without a different input.

Culber: We collected sixteen complex hydrocarbon compounds from the Ten-C's former planet. Each conveys a different emotion -- terror, love, sadness, curiosity, peacefulness...
Hirai: ... which is the one that concerns us now. Our contingency plan entails using that hydrocarbon to try to start the communication process. Basically, 'we come in peace,' in chemical form.