What up? We doing the sci-fi stuff today?


Rutherford: Shaxs is alive?
Mariner: Yeah, guess so. Bridge officers are always coming back from the dead. You gonna finish that muffin?

Rutherford: He saved my life! You know what, I'm going to ask him.
Boimler: They don't like it when people ask how they came back, man. It's probably just a transporter buffer thing.
Mariner: Yeah, or a restored katra, or a Mirror Universe switcheroo, or the Borg rebuilt him...
Boimler: Or he could be a future son from an alternate timeline, or maybe he got Genesis deviced, or a time ribbon.
Mariner: Or he was trapped in the Nexus.
Boimler: Nexus, time ribbon, it's the same thing.

Gambler: Cheater! You claimed you were only a beginner!
Mariner: Yeah, I'm beginning to school your ugly ass.

Mariner: Don't be so hard on yourself. It was just a mistake.
Tendi: I don't get to make mistakes like you do. It was hard getting into the Academy. There's still a lot of stigma around Orions. A lot of humans think we're all thieves and pirates! Wait, my cousin works in a thieves' den in a pirate outpost in this sector. He might be able to help us out.
Mariner: As long as you aren't bothered by the optics, it works for me.

Tendi: I don't know if I've ever seen you date anyone. You usually seem to be with Boimler.
Mariner: What? Ew! No, what? Yo, that is so messed up.
Tendi: What? I don't know. You guys practically sleep in the same bunk.
Mariner: We do not! Ew! He's like a pet!

First, I get kicked off the Titan. Then, the Cerritos doesn't even know me anymore. Where do I belong?


Shaxs: There's a reason we don't anyone how we come back.
Rutherford: I know. You can't tell me because I'm just an ensign.
Shaxs: It's nothing to do with rank, son. We're sparing you dark truths about scientific depravity that would haunt you for the rest of your days. Once you know, you can never go back to being the man you were before.
Rutherford: Works for me! Tell me, tell me!

Mariner: Don't feel bad that you don't know much about my life. I keep it vague on purpose.
Tendi: Why?
Mariner: Every time I open up, people get promoted and take off. It's better to just keep it surface level and never have friends instead of always losing them.

The reason you don't much about me... that's my fault. I'm always so busy making everyone else happy that I never open up.


It'll be interesting getting in trouble. I've never done that before.


Boimler: This black eye he gave me is way cooler than a signed plate.
Mariner: True. There's like only a couple of people in the quadrant who can say they got beat up by Tom Paris.

Star Trek: Lower Decks Season 2 Episode 3 Quotes

Rutherford: Shaxs is alive?
Mariner: Yeah, guess so. Bridge officers are always coming back from the dead. You gonna finish that muffin?

What up? We doing the sci-fi stuff today?
