It's not even all that. All that's extra. I just want to sing.

God, sometimes I get all up in my head. I start thinking bad things. And then bad things happen.


Girl, you crazy. I am not letting you dye my hair. I'm guinea pig enough just letting you wash it.

Carlotta [to Alexandra]

My mother got her teeth knocked out so you could vote. Don't tell me I got to open my eyes. I'm woke.

Carlotta [to Derek]

Carlotta: Sometimes it all comes down to what you don't say. That night, we all agreed: the devil is gone. For now.

Carlotta [to Simone]: You've been through more in your sixteen years than most people have in a lifetime. But you listen to me: that chapter of your life is over.

Let's go handle business.

Jahil [to Carlotta]

Did I ever tell you I was six months pregnant by Tyler Perry?

Miss Bruce

Don't get it twisted, sweetie. I am more of a man than you will ever be and more of a woman than you will ever get.

Miss Bruce

I'm a black man in America. I gotta keep my head down, my mouth shut and my hands in my pockets just to make it home alive.


You''re a bad liar. And that's disturbing, because you're a manager. And part of being a good manager is being a good liar.

Star [to Jahil]

Admin: Any history of psychiatric problems?
Carlotta: I don't think so, no.
Admin: You don't think so?
Carlotta: She's a teenager, they all crazy.

Star Quotes

Foster Mom: Where'd you get that phone?
Star: Obama

  • Permalink: Obama.
  • Added:

Ever since Star was little, she believed her name was who she was. But I told her, fame is a trip, it ain’t love like a lot of people think. But Star wouldn’t listen. Star don’t listen to nobody but herself.
