I wish you would have met your zio Andrea, you would've loved him.


Warren has Pru now, and we never fight. And I can't lose someone again without having a chance to apologize.


Maya: Just because your last name is Herrera doesn't mean you have to rule in his shadow.
Andy: You always show up for me.

Maya: I never apologized for what I did, giving you the bottle of whiskey. there's no excuse. I will forever regret it and I'm genuinely sorry.
Beckett: Well, we, uh, water under the bridge, Bishop. We're all good.

Vic: They're cutting Crisis One?
Natasha: Unfortunately, yeah.

I think I can help with your budget issue. I'd like to put in my resignation.


I'm scared that Liam is going to grow up in a world that is full of hate.


I am out here stretching every nickel we have just to keep us together, and you lose one of the most expensive tools we have! I'm trying to save your jobs!


Travis: Hey, how are you holding up?
Theo: You don't have to do that, man. I know I lost you during the divorce.

Can I ask you something? Do you think that attachment parenting has something to do with seeing your brother?


I feel like I have no skin; I just feel everything.


You're going to need to find a way to slash ten percent from Nineteen's budget.


Station 19 Quotes

This is going to get worse.


Maya: At least I won't be transferring to 23 anymore.
Dean: You won't?
Maya: Instead I'll be going to jail for harboring a fugitive.