Scott: Hello?
Maggie: Scott, it's... it's Maggie. I've thought about it and I think I need to come home. I can't just sit here and do nothing while she tries to discredit me.
It's my reputation and...
Scott: These situations tend to resolve quickly. Listen. I'll call the hospital. See what they wanna do. I'll let you know once there's news.

Maggie: Uh, I'm being sued by the mother of one of my patients.
Sully: What for?
Maggie: Her son died of a brain aneurysm post-treatment. She's blaming me.
But, I mean, I'm going through everything, and I don't see anything else
I would have done differently.
Sully: Poor woman.
Maggie: I just don't understand why she's doing this to me.
Sully: Maybe it's not about you, Maggie. She's devastated. Losing a child... There's nothin' worse that could happen to a parent.

This is Kevin Markiff. My mom can't figure out
how to use her voicemail, so leave a message for her after the beep, and maybe she'll figure out how to get to it.


Mrs. Markiff: Doctor! My son, Kevin Markiff, they came in together.
Maggie: You can't be here!
Mrs. Markiff: I just want to know if he's okay. Please, if you have any information...
Maggie: Your son suffered a few broken bones - but he's gonna be just fine.
Mrs. Markiff: Are you sure?
Maggie: Yes. Now, if someone can please escort Mrs. Markiff back

Cal: Yo, Sal, that woman over there. She's by the campfire. Red hair.
Sully: Yeah, what about her?
Cal: What's her problem?
Sully: I don't know, what do you think her problem is?
Cal: She seems awful full of herself.
Sully: Is that so?
Cal: Yeah. She had to make a point of telling me she was a doctor.
Sully: Neurosurgeon, actually.
Cal: Oh, you know her?
Sully: Yeah, you might say that.
Ed: Sully's daughter.
Cal: No. Sully. I had no idea.
Sully: Clearly.

Andrew: Hey there.
Maggie: Andrew? What are you doing here?
Andrew: Your mother. She called in a panic, she was afraid you were gonna miss it.
Andrew: I drove the two hours from my place to yours, and I picked up all your things, and I rented a limo. You can thank me later.

Maggie: You should have let me known you were coming.
Andrew: It was supposed to be a surprise.
Maggie: Well, you know how I feel about surprises.
Andrew: You know, most women appreciate spontaneity.

Sullivan's Crossing Season 1 Quotes

Andrew: Hey there.
Maggie: Andrew? What are you doing here?
Andrew: Your mother. She called in a panic, she was afraid you were gonna miss it.
Andrew: I drove the two hours from my place to yours, and I picked up all your things, and I rented a limo. You can thank me later.

Mrs. Markiff: Doctor! My son, Kevin Markiff, they came in together.
Maggie: You can't be here!
Mrs. Markiff: I just want to know if he's okay. Please, if you have any information...
Maggie: Your son suffered a few broken bones - but he's gonna be just fine.
Mrs. Markiff: Are you sure?
Maggie: Yes. Now, if someone can please escort Mrs. Markiff back