Jonah: I think he likes Taylor Swift.
Cheyenne: No, he's back to hating her again.

It was nice of corporate to wait an entire week before they reminded us we're just as replaceable as Mateo.


Jonah: Well played with the anti-union stuff. You're like a double agent. My own Elizabeth Jennings.
Amy: Is that from The Americans?
Jonah: Yeah, it's so good! You should just-
Amy: I'm not gonna watch it.

Garrett: So you're saying if I don't help you break Mateo out of a heavily guarded detention facility, I'm a bad person?
Dina: Yeah, that's what I'm saying.
Garrett: Okay, I'll help.

It's bad in here. It's cold and there aren't enough blankets. I mean, it is flat out disgusting. And apparently this is one of the nicer places. The guards think all undocumented people are Latino so they just keep yelling at me in Spanish and I don't understand what they're saying. I just wanna go home.


Superstore Season 5 Episode 1 Quotes

It was nice of corporate to wait an entire week before they reminded us we're just as replaceable as Mateo.


Jonah: I think he likes Taylor Swift.
Cheyenne: No, he's back to hating her again.