When did everybody around here lose their sense of humor?


What's with the "We're all going to die" face?


Hey, Jaha! Looks like you got floated!


Looks like you found that daughter now.

Gaia [about Octavia]

Heda would be ashamed.

Gaia [to Indra]

If we can save one life, would you call that a waste?

Abby [to Raven]

Choosing who gets to live or die is your specialty.


Roan: What's wrong? You created a killer. In the street, they're calling her "Skairippa" – death from above.
Indra: I'm so proud.
Roan: You should be. One killed, to prevent thousands? It's good politics.

I'll handle it.


There's a storm coming. When it hits, we need to be on the right side of that door.


If you're wrong and there is a hell... then I guess I'll see you there.


If you can't trust Indra, you can't trust me.

Octavia [to Roan]

The 100 Quotes

Miller: What does it mean?
Bellamy: It means Clarke's alive. And we're gonna get her back.

Bryan: Are we ever gonna be done fighting?
Miller: Hell yes. We're gonna build a house on a lake. We're gonna plant corn. And raise chickens. And grow old.