Octavia: Let's get this book and get the hell out of here.
Jasper: That's a plan I can support.

Monty: Octavia, we're your people. We were sent down together. We survive together.
Octavia: Lincoln was my people. I'm not Trikru, I'm not Skaikru. I'm nothing.
Monty: You're one of the hundred.
Octavia: Not anymore.

Then let's stop her. We survive together.


You know too much. I can't let them have you.

ALIE [to Raven]

You might as well have just shoved Aurora out of the airlock yourself. Do you think she'd be proud of you now? For the kind of leader you've become? Or would she see the truth like the rest of us do? That you're a follower. Clarke's been back for one day and you're already taking orders. The good little knight by his queen's side. Too bad you were never that devoted to Gina.

Raven [to Bellamy]

Clarke: I let her get to me.
Bellamy: You don't say. Take a break. I'll let her beat me up for a while.

Everywhere you go, death follows. You always want to save everyone. What you don't realize is you're the one we need saving from. Wells is dead because you couldn't see Charlotte was a basket case. Finn is dead because you broke his heart and then put a knife into it. Hell, I bet you got Lexa killed, too.

Raven [to Clarke]

Bellamy: Just get yourself together, Jasper. You can't let your anger get in the way of what we have to do.
Jasper: Oh that's funny, coming from you. When you're angry, people die. Just ask that girl over there.

You were hurting and you lashed out, because that's what you do. There are consequences, Bell. People get hurt. People die. Your people. Monroe's dead. Lincoln is dead.


Bellamy: What do you do when you realize you might not be the good guy?
Clarke: Maybe there are no good guys.

Now that Arkadia has fallen, we'll move on to stage two.


You really are the Angel of Death, aren't you?

Jasper [to Clarke]

The 100 Season 3 Quotes

Bryan: Are we ever gonna be done fighting?
Miller: Hell yes. We're gonna build a house on a lake. We're gonna plant corn. And raise chickens. And grow old.

Octavia: Let's get this book and get the hell out of here.
Jasper: That's a plan I can support.