No, it's called greed. It's the pursuit of the almighty dollar and it's going to be the downfall of all of us. My family's been in Montauk for seven generations, my wife was born her and my son is buried here. This is sacred ground to me and I don't want too much, but I want my wife, and I want my family and I want this land and I know I'm not the only one because this is our town. These are our schools, our churches, our beaches, our docks, our sunrise, our little piece of heaven under God and I am never going to leave this place because I am going to be buried right next to my boy and I will fight to my last breath to keep Montauk local.


Alison: I think you're a summer person.
Noah: What's that mean?
Alison: Well I think you have a fantasy about what life is out here. It's a small town, it's idyllic. We're simple, humble people who love the sea, right?

Alison: Do you have a secret, Detective?
Jeffries: What kind of secret?
Alison: Something you don't even want to tell yourself?
Jeffries: How would I know if I did?
Alison: I think you do. I think everybody does. Every single person in the world.

Jeffries: Can we talk a bit about Cole?
Alison: Sure.
Jeffries: Did he know by this point you were having an affair?
Alison: I wasn't having an affair, Detective. I kissed a stranger on the beach.

Alison: How do I look?
Cole: You look like you need a new dress. I mean you look incredible. But, seriously, this thing? How old is that?
Alison: I know, but I like it.
Cole: I wanna buy you some new clothes.
Alison: We can't afford it.
Cole: Sure we can. The summer people are back. A couple of weeks and we'll all be flush. Please?

Noah: Oh my God. What am I gonna do?
Alison: You could just fuck me; get it out of your system.
Noah: No.
Alison: Just a thought.

Noah: Won't your husband wonder where you are?
Alison: Probably not. We're pretty independent.

Noah: Pragmatism leads to money, doesn't it?
Margaret: Well that's usually the way it works, yes.

You've got an honest face. Anybody ever tell you that before?


The Affair Season 1 Episode 3 Quotes

Noah: Pragmatism leads to money, doesn't it?
Margaret: Well that's usually the way it works, yes.

You've got an honest face. Anybody ever tell you that before?
