Oh, they went to the store to get solder. Which is metal you melt to make science things.


Wouldn't it be funny if after all your years of hard work, I'm the one who makes the big scientific discovery?


Soup, sandwiches, and emasculation. Just like my mom used to make.


Howard: See he's not wearing a tie.
Leonard: Well, he's a patent attorney. Maybe his tie is pending.

Are you suggesting a limited liability cooperation? Because I did not LLC that coming.


Is the fetus helping you? Because that's cheating.


Penny: Sheldon, did you draft the contract?
Sheldon: You bet I did.
Penny [to Amy]: You're gonna make out so hard tonight.

You're more than just my roommate. You're my partner.


Bernadette: What kind of cake do you like?
Sheldon: My favorite is chocolate with strawberry frosting, three layers. And if there's writing on it, make sure it's not all caps. I don't want my dessert yelling at me.

Can we please drop this subject and pick a new one? I suggest, how thick can a soup get before it becomes a stew. The answer -- it may surprise you.


Penny: Wait a minute, you mention his birthday and he vanishes?
Leonard: Where's that information been this whole time?

Bernadette: How is that a drunk text?
Amy: He used a period instead of a question mark. He's so wasted!

The Big Bang Theory Season 9 Quotes

Some important new information has come to light. Women are the worst. I thought it was paper cuts, but I was wrong. No piece of paper ever cut me this deep.


Whatever. Put us on the internet. I've always wanted a wedding with a comments section.
