Yitzhak: He never came here awake before.
Jack: The system is breaking down, I'm afraid.
Yitzhak: What system?
Jack: Us. The center cannot hold. The beast is slouching towards Bethlehem.

Please. There are voices in my head. There's other people in here. I'm begging you. Help me. Please.


I'm gonna make you a wager, Stan. When I look hard at him, and I'm gonna look at him real hard... I'm gonna find a history of violence. I'm gonna find that somehow he managed to slip through the cracks. He shot people in Midtown in broad daylight, and you want a pass? Rikers is filled with young Black and brown men who did far less. Where was their pass? Where was their plea bargain when they needed a break? Your client will get the benefit of the doubt because he has the privilege of a justice system that was built for people who look like him, but he's not gonna get a pass from me. So, no. I'm not just gonna plead him out. We're going to trial.


Danny. Your mind is extraordinarily good at rationalizing. At unspooling narratives in real time. At making the improbable possible. You've had a lifetime of it.


The Crowded Room Season 1 Episode 7 Quotes

Danny. Your mind is extraordinarily good at rationalizing. At unspooling narratives in real time. At making the improbable possible. You've had a lifetime of it.


I'm gonna make you a wager, Stan. When I look hard at him, and I'm gonna look at him real hard... I'm gonna find a history of violence. I'm gonna find that somehow he managed to slip through the cracks. He shot people in Midtown in broad daylight, and you want a pass? Rikers is filled with young Black and brown men who did far less. Where was their pass? Where was their plea bargain when they needed a break? Your client will get the benefit of the doubt because he has the privilege of a justice system that was built for people who look like him, but he's not gonna get a pass from me. So, no. I'm not just gonna plead him out. We're going to trial.
