Harry: Whoa! Stop. Don't bother. It doesn't work.
Cisco: Yeah, I don't know about that.
Harry: Yeah, well I know about it. I'm the guy who wore it on his head.

Alright, you have me for twenty four hours. Not a minute more.


You want me to help you move a nuclear bomb?


I know DeVoe has hit us pretty hard, but winning this battle may just help us win the war.


I'm Detective Joe West! The baddest...dad, cop you have ever come across!

Ralph (as Joe)

Barry: This is an interesting place to hang out...
Ralph: Here to suck the fun out of being benched?

Cisco: I'm curious, have you never looked at a mirror before?
Breacher: I'm not a teenage girl!
Cisco: OK, you are not a teenage girl!

Gideon: Good evening, Dr. Wells! It's been 1078 days since we last spoke. How can I be of service?
Harry: Hello Gideon...a lot has changed since then.

Caitlin: Cisco, why can't you just help him?
Cisco: Why am I the only one who thinks putting a rageaholic and dark matter together is a bad idea?
Caitlin: He's trying to stop DeVoe. That's not a bad idea.
Cisco: He's trying to match his intellect with a madman whose innovations are warping his brain. Have you not seen Spider-Man 2?
Caitlin: No.
Cisco: How can you live with yourself?

Barry: You know, you didn't have to give up your speed, right? I mean, I would've never asked you to.
Iris: I know.
Barry: Why'd you do it?
Iris: Do you know what makes a great speedster? It isn't their speed. It's being the light that everyone needs when the world grows dark. It's the kind of person they are. The kind of person that always wants to help. That's why being the Flash is your destiny. It's your way of helping others. But it isn't mine. This is.

Barry: I lost my speed. I lost my job at the C.C.P.D. It just feels like DeVoe is...slowly taking everything away from me.
Iris: He hasn't taken everything away.
Barry: What if I never get it back?
Iris: Hey. Caitlin is gonna find something. Okay? Until then, you just have to... watch me like I've watched you these last three years.
Barry: Yeah, I guess so. [Iris Runs Off] Wow, that's... super annoying.

Harry: Listen, Ramon, DeVoe wants these bodies. All right? Maybe we change the bodies, we keep these people safe.
Cisco: I'm sorry, don't you have, like, six PhD's?
Harry: Seven.
Cisco: Yeah, which one of them is in mad science?
Harry: Mad science is just an area of study. It's not a degree, okay?

The Flash Season 4 Quotes

What is a nice girl with two doctorates and a Ph.D. doing at a rat's nest like this one?


Wally West: Team Kid Flash is on the case!
Joe West: Son, I love you. But ain't nobody feeling Team Kid Flash.