Cisco: Uh, never trust a moustache, I always say.
Joe: I have a moustache.
Cisco: No, you have a sexy goatee. He has a creeper moustache.

Caitlin: You OK, guys?
Cisco: Are we doing OK? Are we doing OK?! Does it look like we're doing OK?! We're two inches tall, Caitlin!
Ralph: Yeah, I'm like Cisco's size now. Is this how you always see the world?

Cecile: Why are you still thinking about Bulbasaurs?!
Cisco: He is the cutest one of them all!

Joe: Cecile, are you sure we even need a crib? I used to plop Iris on some cushions and call it a night.
Cecile: Well, I'm glad to hear you got all of your parenting mistakes out of the way with your first kid.

Ralph: Relax, ladies, my cells are completely polygamized.
Caitlin: Polymerized?
Ralph: Yeah, that.

Cisco: Remember, anything in here that looks fun is probably lethal.
Caitlin: Just like me.
Cisco: Nice.

Iris: Cisco, next time you go out with him.
Cisco: Iris, a chicken needs to leave its roost sooner or later. Especially when that chicken insists on doing his own solo missions.
Iris: This is bad.
Ralph: This is *really* bad. Stretchy Man, that's a terrible name. Also, now that I"m gonna be on TV all the time, this grey suit, got to go.
Cisco: Hey, easy, chickadee.

Cisco: Hey, how about you hook me up with some of that gum?
Harry: Why don't you breach yourself?
Cisco: That sounds like an insult.
Harry: Kind of was.

Barry: If everyone knew my secret, we would never stop running.
Iris: I would rather run forever with you than stand alone without you.

Caitlin: No news is good news.
Harry: No, good news is good news. No news is miscommunication.

Harry: Guys, if this meta can cause these levels of radiation in these patients, that means this meta has a similar makeup to a nuclear bomb.
Cisco: So, like, enough to blow us all up? What are we talking here?
Caitlin: The fallout from a nuclear explosion could be catastrophic.
Harry: Exactly.
Cisco: Fallout.
Harry: Great name.
Cisco: Terrible power.

Cisco: Oh, damn. We need to cool him down.
Harry: Killer Frost.
Caitlin: Great.
Cisco: Well, go, turn!
Caitlin: Well, that's not how it works. I can't just snap my finger and make her appear. It only happens with I'm scared or angry.
Cisco, Harry: Oh, good Lord, Caitlin.
Cisco: The city's about to explode. Everyone, everything you know and love, the birds, the trees, the fish, the puppies! The puppies are going down because you didn't want to...
Cisco, Harry: Show up for work!

The Flash Season 4 Quotes

What is a nice girl with two doctorates and a Ph.D. doing at a rat's nest like this one?


Wally West: Team Kid Flash is on the case!
Joe West: Son, I love you. But ain't nobody feeling Team Kid Flash.