This is exactly why she didn't tell you, Mariana. Because you can't keep secrets. You're a crappy friend.


Oh I'm sorry, I forgot that you were a stepdad for all of like five minutes.


They're trying to turn Anchor Beach into a private school!


Jesus: What...what are we doing?
Gabe: Um. We're moving my stuff in.
Jesus: Why?
Gabe: Should I call your moms?

Diamond: He didn't beat her.
Stef: Yeah, you sure about that?
Diamond: I did. Bottom bitch has to keep the other girls in line.

Emma: Are you OK?
Mariana: What do you mean?
Emma: You've barely been talking to me.

I would've been a dad.


Men been having sex with me since I was eleven-years-old. Cousins. Uncles. But I wasn't getting paid for it. Now, I got the power. I got someone who loves me and protects me.


Mariana: Does it ever make you feel bad? Seeing Ana with Isabella. How good of a mom she is with her?
Jesus: I don't think about it.
Mariana: Do you ever remember Ana leaving us in our cribs when we were babies? For a whole day or more.
Jesus: Yeah, yeah I do. I dreamed about it when I was in a coma. We were in our cribs and crying. I was trying to take care of you.
Mariana: We were babies. It wasn't your job to take care of us.

Have you tried to get any help with a doctor or something? Because Mariana told me you're depressed.


Thank you very much for taking Emma and being there for her. That was very good of you.


Stef: What was this letter doing in your pocket?
Brandon: Emma asked me to take it so no one else would read it.