Corey: So, I think ...
Stef: We know, bud. We know. It's ok. Of course, you want to be with your mom.
Lena: We're still going to be part of your life forever if you want us to be.
Corey: Of course I do. I love you guys.
Stef: We love you too, buddy.

Callie: By the way, I took the job in LA.
Mariana: With the conservative judge?
Jude: Why?
Callie: To be closer to you.

I'm not a relationship expert, seeing as I've pretty much blown up every one I had, but I do know when you do something to hurt the person you love it's hard to take it back. I've seen the way you look at Eliza. I know that look, you love her. So just talk to her.


Mike: Look, B. The only person who can keep you from achieving what you want in life is you. If you can't trust yourself to stand up to Eliza and her parents then maybe you're not mature enough to be getting married.
Brandon: I don't want to lose her.
Mike: Then you're going to have to grow up really fast because the only way you can have her is to choose yourself. If you can do that, but if you can't, you're going to have to call it off.

Callie: So Brandon told me that Eliza heard us talking after the graduation party. I'm sorry I thought you told her.
Mariana: I know I used to have a hard time keeping secrets, but I've grown up.

Jude: You OK?
Carter: My dad saw you leaving my room and he freaked out. I don't have a family like yours. I can't be who I want to be.

Jamie: Hey.
Callie: I was wondering if you're still up for that drink.
Jamie: Uh, yeah, yeah, sure. Come on in.
Mariana: Hey.
Callie: Hey.

Hey, is Jesus here?

Emma [at Brandon's door]

Jesus: Dammit, Mariana. What are you doing?
Mariana: Emma's here.

Diane: So Stef, what was the inspiration behind your tattoo?
Stef: Well with the kids going off to college and all, I wanted to do something special to keep them with us -- to keep them close. So, I came up with a family tree.
Diane: Well, it is special.

Eliza: Are we still getting married? Brandon, are we still getting married?
Brandon: I just ...

Guys, ready to do this?


The Fosters Season 5 Quotes

Jude: I hate not knowing if Callie is OK.
Noah: Well both our moms are there. Everything is going to be fine.
Jude: You don't know that. You don't know Callie.
Noah: Whatever happens, I'm here, always. I love you.
Jude: I love you, too.

Callie: I didn't get into the art school.
Professor Kim: I'm sorry to hear that.
Callie: I'm going to appeal, but I want to change my major, to law.