You're a clown. What's worse is you're a smart clown, who occasionally has a point. A point you destroy by mixing it up with racism and misogyny you probably don't even believe. When you were little someone rejected you or made fun of you and now you get to be one of the mean ones making fun of others.


Marisa: One of the alt-right boys really likes me. He thinks I'm one of them.
Diane: How do you even know...
Marisa: It's nothing. They're easily confused when women offer them attention.

Realtor: Young love. It's infectious.
Marisa: Like the plague.

Marisa: Who are we?
Jay: Anyone we want.
Marisa: God, I love this job.

I hate to say this, about any person, but Mike Kresteva tends to lie.


Oh my god. When did this law firm become a circus?


I can't think of anything funny so I decline to reply.

Mr. Staples

Lucca: Why do you need funds for that?
Mr. Staples: Why do you need funds for that dress?
Lucca: Because I don't want to end up in that jacket.

Mr. Staples: I'm a martyr to your political correctness.
Diane: I win. I guessed you would say political correctness with the first five minutes.

Barbara Kolstad: You gave $20,000 to, wait, let me check, wanna get this right, hmm, Hilary.
Julius: What about me?
Mr. Staples: What about you?
Julius: How much money did I give to Trump?
Mr. Staples: I don't know. I didn't check your contribution because it doesn't fit my narrative.
Julius: $7,500.
Mr. Staples: Great. Write your own narrative.

Julius: You can't ban every use of the n-word on the internet.
Diane: Yes, you can.
Adrian: Every rap lyric would go out the window. What about Huckleberry Finn?
Barbara: Yes, that would be unfortunate. All those times Huckleberry Finn is quoted in tweets.

Why is it whenever I get a promotion, I feel like I'm being demoted?


The Good Fight Season 1 Episode 6 Quotes

Julius: You can't ban every use of the n-word on the internet.
Diane: Yes, you can.
Adrian: Every rap lyric would go out the window. What about Huckleberry Finn?
Barbara: Yes, that would be unfortunate. All those times Huckleberry Finn is quoted in tweets.

Why is it whenever I get a promotion, I feel like I'm being demoted?
