So two people who really care about you think you might be overdoing it. What do you think?


George: It's Adam. What are you scared of?
Stephanie: That it's Adam?
George: I don't follow.
Stephanie: He's just, he's so comfortable. Safe, you know? It's kind of the last thing I need right now.
George: Or the exact thing.

Sam: Are we good?
Cassie: We're better. We'll work on good.

Joy: I'm a witch!
Zoey: I wouldn't go that far, but what you didn't wasn't cool.
Joy: No, I don't think you understand. I'm an actual witch.

Zoey: One question.
Joy: Only one?
Zoey: Are you a good witch or a bad witch?
Joy: Definitely a good witch. For the most part.

Abigail: You told her you're a witch?
Joy: I told her we're all witches.
Abigail: I'd be avoiding you, too.
Joy: When did you tell Donovan?
Abigail: I still haven't told him.

Your heart, your kindness, your compassion. That's the true heart of who you are.

Cassie's Mom

Good Witch Season 7 Episode 9 Quotes

George: It's Adam. What are you scared of?
Stephanie: That it's Adam?
George: I don't follow.
Stephanie: He's just, he's so comfortable. Safe, you know? It's kind of the last thing I need right now.
George: Or the exact thing.

So two people who really care about you think you might be overdoing it. What do you think?
