Luke: Who do you think did this?
Hugh: Well, if I'm honest, none of us. But you probably knew that already, didn't you?

Hugh: She was worried about a lot more than Luke.
Steven: Like what?
Hugh: She said the bent-neck lady was back.

It's not as bad as it is in your head. But she doesn't look like she's sleeping. So forget that.


Most of what people say at a funeral is a wish. They're at peace. They're in a better place. They're smiling down on us. People just wishing out loud.


The Haunting of Hill House Season 1 Episode 6 Quotes

Most of what people say at a funeral is a wish. They're at peace. They're in a better place. They're smiling down on us. People just wishing out loud.


It's not as bad as it is in your head. But she doesn't look like she's sleeping. So forget that.
