Blair: Apparently, all plain air paintings completed in late 1883 must contain some residual volcanic ash.
Mercer: Makes sense. Krakatoa erupted August 1883. A cloud of volcanic ash went from Indonesia all the way to Europe.
Rose: And the appraisers didn't find volcanic ash in the orchard.
Blair: Even though the results aren't conclusive ...
Rose: You're concerned your painting is a copy.
Blair: A fake, just like my marriage.

Sentimental value is driving the killer to extreme measures violent, and they won't stop until they get one of Bridget's arts in their hands.


Marisa: You were right. I wasn't being real with you, which is stupid because we always got along because we weren't afraid to be honest with each other.
Kylie: I know. I told you I was Queer before anyone else in the family.
Marisa: We need to be ourselves again.
Kylie: I'm mad, Marisa. Without warning, just poof, you left us.
Marisa: I left my marriage. I didn't leave you. I love Alec. I will always love Alec. That's not the same as being married to him. I need to find out who I am without him.
Kylie: OK, I get that
Marisa: We were family. You were the closest thing I had to a sister, and you just stopped talking to me. I missed this.

I don't get it. I mean, I get it, but $8.5 million for some shapes on a canvas?


People tend to say it's only a few bad apples, but those bad apples spoil the whole bunch.


Joshua was afraid, OK? You may not think that black men get scared, but we do. Those officers came to our house at 2 AM, and they never announced themselves like they were supposed to do. We did nothing wrong! They were looking to kill somebody, and they killed my husband!


Jace: Your son ran because he set off the bomb that killed thirteen people. He's no martyr; he's a murderer.
Peter's Mother: Don't talk about him like that!
Jace: He was a sinner who desecrated the House of God.
Peter's Mother: It was an accident. All he wanted to do was return this country to its roots to make us moral, god-fearing people again.

Doctor Atwood's testimony appeared fair and unbiased. The problem is with paid experts like Dr Atwood, that's never the case. Introducing money creates bias. I wanted to better understand how this bias works, so I conducted an experiment where I paid experts to give their opinions on a fictional case, a slip and fall in a hotel. All of them had the same facts in the case; the only difference was which side the person was on paying them. Almost all the experts argued for the side paying them. If the defense paid, the expert's opinion sided with the defense. Same for the plaintiff. That's bias.


If I want them to talk, I can't hover over them like a psycho with a clipboard. I've gotta blend in.


Mercer: What's going on?
Marisa: We got here a few hours too late. There was a note.
Mercer: Was it suicide?
Marisa: I'm so sorry, Alec. We have a team in there searching the entire place for additional information. We're gonna figure this out.
Mercer: He was our best chance of finding out the truth. Now he's gone?

Camille: I could really use your help to figure this out. How does a trip to Vegas sound?
Mercer: Intriguing, but isn't there a whole security squad devoted to this type of thing?
Camille: Yes, but they can't see the things that you can.
Mercer: I can't say gambling fraud is my typical wheelhouse.
Camille: I know, but this isn't just about a game, Alec. There's a lot at stake here.

Camille: How did you get that?
Mercer: Misdirected attention.
Kylie: Also known as Kylie's got skills.

The Irrational Season 1 Quotes

Marisa: That ability you have to completely divorce emotion from reason is both why I married you and...
Mercer: ... why you're longer married to me.

People are irrational. But predictably so. They're more afraid of flying than driving, and the fact is, driving is much more dangerous. We know we should eat healthy food, but then we give in to temptation. Buy things we will never, ever use. We assume people are making rational decisions, weighing the pros and cons. For most of the time, we're not. Instead, we rely on instincts, which are almost always wrong. Sometimes, dangerously wrong. One error in judgment leads to another.
