You lived a life worth remembering.

Emma [to Sutton]

Keep an eye on your kid. The last thing we need is for her to go snooping around LA.


I like the Emma version.


Boy hunting in a bikini means I'm already halfway there.


So Ethan, gotta ask, how was prison?


It's the most natural thing in the world for an adopted kid to wanna find her real birth parents. Why are they standing in the way of that? It's gotta be something big.


I haven't gotten my official invitation from the wolfpack yet. If I go after Char's crush, I probably never will.


Did you see the super hot new guy? Let everyone know he is so mine.


If you weren't worried then why'd you tell him you love him?

Thayer [to Sutton]

Emma doesn't call me sexy...yet.


Char: She's different since she got back from Paris.
Laurel: She sure is.

How can I keep being Sutton if I know nothing about her?


The Lying Game Quotes

You definitely got the smart half of the embryo.


I always say that "Hope is grief's best music."


The Lying Game Music

  Song Artist
Off The Wall Cham Pain iTunes
For Romance Magic Bullets iTunes
When The World Plays Tricks On You The Light Brigade iTunes