Margo: Let’s review: Emergency code words if this all goes shit-shaped.
Eliot: Umm …
Margo: Really?
Eliot: Kidding. OK, as follows: credenza, no questions asked; inglenook, tie those fools up and toss them through the Fillory portal; chifforobe, flee to Canada; armoire, shield up stat, kimono …
Together: All hell’s broken loose.

Alice: It may not be enough.
Julia: Well, we make it enough. Today, we are saving the world, and this time, it’s gonna stick.
Kady: Damn right we are.

Together: We’re in a time loop.
Eliot: Excuse us while we briefly sidebar.
Margo: Why exactly is this happening?
Eliot: ‘Why is anything,’ he asked, still freaked because the last thing he remembers is all of earth ending. It felt so inevitable.
Margo: I know.
Eliot: But why us, now? Time loop?
Margo: Of course, we’re the chosen ones. We’re us.

Julia: OK, so we need time magic.
Penny: I know a horomancer who builds machines. Maybe he has something.
Margo: Fantastic. Vamanos.
Penny: One problem: I kinda let his mom die last time I saw him. Oh, come on, like you guys are all saints.

Margo: Here, this is Penny’s address.
Eliot: Margo, what are you doing?
Margo: Shhh. Favorite coffee shop, hipster club where we suspect he DJs on the weekend, and it’s you lucky day: His traveling’s borked, so he’s a sitting duck in a scarf.
Eliot: Margo, we can’t just kill Penny.
Margo: We don’t. He dies anyway along with everyone. This is basic trolley problem shit. Ovary up.

Eliot: We’re seeing this wrong. We’re missing something. Maybe we need to take a step back, start thinking outside the box.
Margo: What do you suggest?
Eliot: Remember Professor Soto?
Margo: The one with the pants.
Eliot: Yeah, he had that ridiculous test everyone thought was impossible.
Margo: That we solved because we rule.
Eliot: Solved how?
Margo: You want me to remember a solution I came up with at rager doing upside-down shots in a fur bikini?
Eliot: You say rager, I say problem-solving session. That’s how we do. We put our minds on something different. We catch the solution out of the corner of our eye.
Margo: Is this actually a plan or do you want to blow off steam?
Eliot: Two birds Bambi. Besides, we’re stuck in a game that keeps hitting reset. Infinite time, zero consequences, just you and me saving the world through unbridled hedonism.

Margo: I was happy to give you space to tell your Monster secrets in your own time, but we’re stuck in the Jean-Paul Sartre bullshit, you get worse fast.
Eliot: I told you this isn’t important right now.
Margo: Whatever it is you remember, it’s not your fault, OK.
Eliot: Can we just stop the moon first please?
Margo: Not if your liver falls out of your twat first. Let’s talk about it.
Eliot: No.
Margo: Seems like we have to. It’s me. Don’t be a coward.
Eliot: Stop. It’s still in me, OK. I am seeing what I am seeing. Some piece of it must have held on.
Margo: The Monster’s gone. I exorcised it and Q threw it into the Seam. The only thing here is you medicating instead of facing your memories and feelings, and I empathize, I do, but I think you’re forgetting you can tell me anything.
Eliot: I just told you, and you didn’t believe me.

Josh: How can we help?
Eliot: Help save the world? Honestly, I don’t know. It might not be possible. This might be it -- me, alone, in this particular 12 hours, eternally.
Josh: OK, that sounds like a lot for you. So, uh, anything I can do to help you?
Eliot: I wish because the longer this goes on the more certain I am that the Monster is inside of me and trying to get out.
Josh: Good metaphor.
Eliot: I’m being literal.
Josh: Oh shit.
Eliot: It’s worse every loop. I hear its voice, I see blood on the walls, I see this door. It wants out.
Josh: Have you tried letting it out?
Eliot: Why in god’s name would I do that?
Josh: I’m just spitballing, but a lot of the time in these movies, the solution to the problem is facing the thing you’re most afraid of.
Eliot: What if I die?
Josh: What if you do?

Eliot: How the hell are you here?
Charlton: I was trapped, wandering your remembrances when mercifully, you decided not to sleep for five days and broke your brain. That gave me an opening to contact you.
Eliot: That voice, that was you?
Charlton: Yes, of course. When all the scary creatures were pulled out, I held on tight as I could in your happy place, and well, here we are. This place was so vivid in your mind, but there’s nothing like the real thing, is there? The sights, the sounds, the smells, oh, I forgot about smells Eliot. They’re overwhelming unpleasant.
Eliot: Those messages, that was you too? ‘I’m still here,’ ‘let me out.’
Charlton: Yes, I wanted you to know I was still here, and I wanted to be let out.
Eliot: In red paint?
Charlton: Right, like strawberries and Santa Claus.
Eliot: And blood, Charlton.
Charlton: Perhaps it was a touch ominous.
Eliot: As was the creepy whisper.
Charlton: I was trying to be polite.

Whales: What is the purpose of this distraction?
Eliot: With whom are we speaking?
Whales: We are the whales.
Eliot: Like all of them?
Whales: Of course.
Eliot: Why do you speak through a TV?
Whales: Why do you? What is the nature of your query?
Eliot: OK, I don’t really know how to explain this. OK, so you probably don’t know this but we are in a time loop.
Whales: We are aware of the disturbance.
Eliot: Oh, huh, whales grok time loops. So do you happen to remember if a woman named Margo came to see you? Brilliant, about yea high, maybe a little brusque.
Whales: A contemptuous creature. We were compelled to wash away her temporal immunity.
Eliot: You took her permanence off.
Whales: Her manner was appalling.
Eliot: That ... does sound like Margo.

Alice: So whales really are powerful magicians. I knew they did weird stuff on the ocean floor; I just didn’t realize …
Eliot: What, yes, Alice, tell me what else you know about whales.
Alice: Um, their closest cousin is the hippo. Mating season is in the fall.
Charlton: That is so sad for them. What if they never get to make love again? Though I am one to talk; it’s been over a thousand years.

You know I’m right. I know you’re listening. You know, I have it on good authority mating season is in the fall. Do you never wanna fuck again?


The Magicians Season 5 Episode 6 Quotes

Alice: It may not be enough.
Julia: Well, we make it enough. Today, we are saving the world, and this time, it’s gonna stick.
Kady: Damn right we are.

Margo: Let’s review: Emergency code words if this all goes shit-shaped.
Eliot: Umm …
Margo: Really?
Eliot: Kidding. OK, as follows: credenza, no questions asked; inglenook, tie those fools up and toss them through the Fillory portal; chifforobe, flee to Canada; armoire, shield up stat, kimono …
Together: All hell’s broken loose.