A year ago I never would have believed this would be my life. I mean, new beginnings are rare and rewarding ones even more so and here I am surrounded by the best people I’ve ever known and Lopez.


Harper: You know, I’ve wanted to say you did a great job with your daughter.
Grey: Yeah, the fact she wants to move across the country speaks volumes.
Harper: Actually it does. It says that she’s brave and confident. You gave her a home, a safe place to launch from and retreat to, same way you do for us. I hope I can become half the parent you are.
Grey: Laying it on pretty thick, aren’t you?
Harper: Yes, Sir.

The man with the nail bat agrees with you, just take that in for a minute.


You’ve got time now. This is important. Officer Bradford is a 12-year veteran, he’s been shot five times in the line of duty. He deserves your respect, not whatever macho crap this is, Sir.


Grace: People get into accidents, even cops.
Tim: What do they call it when a doctor has an accident?
Grace: Malpractice.
Tim: We’re both held to a higher standard, for good reason.

I walk into a tragedy but when I walk out, everything is as it should be.


It’s called a yearly review for a reason because that’s when the paperwork gods expect it.

Sgt Grey

The Rookie Season 2 Episode 8 Quotes

I walk into a tragedy but when I walk out, everything is as it should be.


It’s called a yearly review for a reason because that’s when the paperwork gods expect it.

Sgt Grey