Seeing as how this is my first suicide mission, no.

John; Are you ready for this? Stephen

Sophie: We were seconds away from being road kill. How are you so calm?
Cara: Practice

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A life for a life. What do you say?


Congratulations, Jed. You’re going to be a father.


There are dragons to slay! We were given swords!


We weren’t given these powers so we could hide in a tunnel. We were born great so that we may do great things.


If we can’t get behind a superhero then what the hell are we doing?


Mallory: You’re Russell Quan?
Russell: That’s what it says inside my underwear.

Stephen: Sorry about that, my partner is a little unhinged. Full disclosure: She scares the crap out of me

Stephen: It’s my partner from Ultra.
Russell: Great. Invite her out. Girl needs to get laid more than you do.

Cara: Why are you doing this?
John: I told you, we take care of each other.

Julian: You can’t do this to me.
Cara: You did this to yourself.