Alaric: Granted, being a vampire hunter doesn't lend itself to a healthy social life.
Jeremy: Yeah, turns out a social life isn't as much fun as kicking vampire ass.

I'm her daughter, Stefan. I was supposed to give her peace and convince her that I would be okay. And thank her for being an amazing mom. God, I don't even remember the last thing that I said to her. I was supposed to be with her in her final moment.


I have to admit there is a certain amount of peace knowing that I'll be one of the only people in Mystic Falls to die an ordinary death. I'm exceptionally ordinary. I'm okay with that. Caroline is anything but. She's meant to be extraordinary. She needs to know how proud I am of her.


Liz: I did everyhting right, Damon. I lived a good life. I took care of my family. I just...
Damon: I know. Sometimes really terrible things happen to amazing people.

Jeremy: I can't leave now, no way. Not with the sheriff sick and Enzo on a rampage. It's not the right time.
Elena: No kidding because the right time was a couple of eyars ago. Enzo could have killed you today and the other day Liv threw you across a room. And let's not forget the time that you actually died.
Alaric: She's right. Time to get the hell out of here.
Elena: You deserve a normal life, Jer. You deserve the life of a kid whose only baggage is that he lost his parents.

Caroline: Why are you here?
Stefan: Because you're my friend. Because I know what it feels like to lose a mother. And because when you told me you hated me, it was pretty much the worst thing I had heard in a long time.
Caroline: I think we both know I never really hated you.

Stefan: So, I realize it doesn't matter.
Caroline: What doesn't matter?
Stefan: It doesn't matter what book your mom reads in her final precious moments. It doesn't matter if it's good or if it's terrible. It doesn't matter because life isn't about your final moments. It's about the moments that led up to them.

Elena: Our lives are so weird.
Jeremy: That's the understatement of the century.

[to Liz] Not to be blunt, but I think dying gets you a ticket out of work. Just sayin'.


Damon: Look who graduated!
Jeremy: He was fine with it?
Damon: I mean, you're practicaly flunking, missed 100 days of school, and you can barely spell the word "cat," but sure. He was fine with it.

I'm not gonna calm down. I would've done anything for you. And you chose death over me.

Tyler [to Liv]

Just get out of here, don't look back.

Elena [to Tyler]

The Vampire Diaries Season 6 Quotes

We're all getting through our own way.


Elena: You know this'll never not be weird.
Alaric: What that some ancient witch turned me into a vampire or that 4 months ago I rose from the dead?
Elena: That you're my college professor.

The Vampire Diaries Season 6 Music

  Song Artist
Penny Maudlin Strangers
From The Wreckage Build A Home The Wind and The Wave iTunes
Just One Of The Guys Jenny Lewis iTunes