When you care about people, getting hurt is kind of a part of the package.


What's not to like about us? We're a solid looking group. We're scrappy.


I know what kind of man you are.


I don't die.


Do soy sauce packets count as food?


Otis: I'm down to my last.
Shane: Me too. I'm sorry.

Rick: This isn't about me.
Gabriel: Yes it is, you made it like that.

Why the hair?


Judith: And what about after that? You ever bring home another dog?
Negan: Well, hell no I wised my ass up!
Judith: Yeah, and look how great everything turned out for you.

Keep drinking, little man. I wanna see how red your face can get.

Daryl [to Glenn]

No matter how things go down, I got your back.


Dwight: This isn't what he'd want. You know that right? He could still be out there. You sure you want to face that if he shows?
SImon: Better to beg forgiveness than ask permission, D. Future problems!