Barista: Bob! Double shot cappuccino extra foam.
Scully: Bob?
Mulder: Like I want to explain "Fox" for the millionth time.

We have no proof that the body is William, Scully.


Why would he call you here just to see him die?


Keep crackin' wise. You got no idea my state of mind.


I don't know if you are who I think you might be, but if you are, this is what I'd say. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry that I didn't get a chance to know you or you get a chance to know me or your father. I gave you up for adoption not because I didn't want you or because you were any less loved. I was trying to keep you safe. I hope you know that. And maybe, maybe I should have had the courage to stand by you, but I thought I was being strong because it was the hardest thing I had ever done. To let go and know that I was going to miss your whole life but it turns out that this is the hardest thing, to see the outcome and how I failed you. I need you to know that I never forgot you and I thought, I felt, even recently that we were going to somehow be reunited. I wish I could have been there to ease your pain. Oh my god. This is so inadequate. I'm just so sorry. I'm so sorry. [sobs]


The X-Files Season 11 Episode 5 Quotes

We have no proof that the body is William, Scully.


Barista: Bob! Double shot cappuccino extra foam.
Scully: Bob?
Mulder: Like I want to explain "Fox" for the millionth time.