I know it might seem kind of weird, but football is really big with our family, like really big. I wouldn't even be here with out football. I was conceived in a bathroom during the Super Bowl.


Kate: Growing up, I used to watch the Steelers with my dad, right? Every single Sunday. Until I grew up, and I moved out here, and I got out of the habit. And it wasn't until the 2006 AFC Championship when they played the Broncos, do you remember?
Toby: No.
Kate: Well, anyway, I did, and then they won. And then they won the Super Bowl and I just, it's just what I do now. I watch the Steelers, and I watch them with my dad.

If it's between you and having kids, you win, every time. No question.


William: You do that a lot.
Kevin: Do what a lot?
William: Doubt yourself. You were really good on that show, Kevin.
Kevin: You watched The Manny?

That's not good. It's not as easy as it looks is it? No.


Randall: Well, there goes Charleston.
Beth: OK, I'm sorry, what?
Randall: Ten years when the girls are both off in college I thought we would take an early retirement in Charleston.
Beth: Forgive me, Randall, but what in the holy hell are you talking about? And since when did you want to move to Charleston?
Randall: I saw something about it on CNN. How they got a great quality of life, good restaurants. Sometimes at work I look up places on Zillow.
Beth: Oh, OK. Well, I'm so sorry that I'm screwing with your super top secret Zillow dreams, honey. My issues are nothing when compared to yours.

Kevin: Oh, one more thing before you go. It's Tess that's the white wine drinker and Annie with the red? Because I don't want to get that wrong and piss them off...still a little too far?
Beth [to Randall]: He plays to much, he plays too much.

Beth: Bedtimes are at eight and nine; that's teeth brushed and in the bed by eight and nine.
Kevin: So one Sambuca to chase down the ambien and then lights out, right?

Promise me we are never having kids. Oof. I think it's time for shots!


OK. How about this. You can watch football all by yourself, which is like totally normal, but with me.


So, you told the kids that he's grandpa, right, but not that he's sick. That's ballsy.


Rebecca: I refuse to be my mother staring at my father staring at the television.
Jack: OK.
Rebecca: So teach me! Teach me football.

This Is Us Season 1 Episode 5 Quotes

So, you told the kids that he's grandpa, right, but not that he's sick. That's ballsy.


Rebecca: I refuse to be my mother staring at my father staring at the television.
Jack: OK.
Rebecca: So teach me! Teach me football.