Lem: Quite a ruckus in the dorm last night.
JFK: I'm not sure what you're talking about, Lem.
Lem: The fire alarm? C'mon. Five bucks says that was you sneaking out with a girl from Miss Porter's.
JFK: If it was, and I'm saying it's a vicious lie, there's not a soul that can prove it.

Jiya: Flynn's pinch-hitting. I'm sure he and Wyatt have everything under control.
Lucy: Sure. What could go wrong?

Lucy: I want [Wyatt] to be happy. This is what he's always wanted.
Jiya: What about what you want?
Lucy: We're still friends. We have the missions. I'll be fine.

You're a historian, right? That must be interesting. ... I don't know why I said that. I have no idea what a historian does.

Jessica [to Lucy]

This time-travel stuff really messes with your head.

Jessica [to Lucy]

Christopher: Your mother tried to have you hanged as a witch, and I imagine that'd be just a little bit upsetting. You want to talk about it?
Lucy: Not really. But thanks for asking.

JFK: I'm having a rather strange day.
Kayla: Hopefully, that gets better.

Seven million people in the Bay Area, and we're supposed to find one horny teenage boy?


I'd go with the historian on this one. I mean, she's kept you alive this long.

Jessica [to Wyatt]

Nicholas: If you run into Lucy and her friends, take them out as well.
Emma: My pleasure.

Jiya: Don't you wonder if there's something bigger out there?
Rufus: You mean like extraterrestrials?
Jiya: No, there's definitely extraterrestrials.

Jessica: Oh, what the hell?
Lucy: Told you we've been doing this awhile.

Timeless Season 2 Episode 5 Quotes

Jiya: Flynn's pinch-hitting. I'm sure he and Wyatt have everything under control.
Lucy: Sure. What could go wrong?

Lem: Quite a ruckus in the dorm last night.
JFK: I'm not sure what you're talking about, Lem.
Lem: The fire alarm? C'mon. Five bucks says that was you sneaking out with a girl from Miss Porter's.
JFK: If it was, and I'm saying it's a vicious lie, there's not a soul that can prove it.