Did you really think you were the only criminal in Tulsa?


Dwight: Do you buy Bitcoin?
Bodhi: No. I steal from other people who buy Bitcoin.

Darlin', you dialed the number for hell. Who did you think would answer?


Waltrip: You know, you look quite fetching in this light. You must have noticed I've had my eye on you for some time now.
Roxy: Mm-hmm.
Waltrip: Yeah. You need a man, love, to look out for ya and protect ya. No one knew that better than Pike, but alas.
Roxy: I could be your old lady. Take care of you. Anything you want.

He's his own man out here. He's not gonna be controllable for much longer.


Chickie: He's got a crew? Besides Armand?
Goody: Yeah. He gets his weed from the Indians, some cowboy runs the bar, and the black kid drives him around. It's like the fuckin' Village People.
Chickie: You serious?
Goody: Yeah, yeah. And get this, Pete. The titsoon? He's wearing the ring you gave Dwight.
Chickie: What?
Goody: The pinkie ring Dwight used to wear? The black kid's wearin' it.

Dwight: How ya doin', Babe?
Babe: I'm not sure how much more of this bullshit I can stand.
Dwight: You and me both.

Margaret: This is a workin' ranch, not daycare. I don't board pets.
Dwight: They were gonna make him into glue, for Christ's sake.
Margaret: [laughs] Oh, you city boys. You love the sausage, hate seein' how it's made. Those are just the facts of life on a farm. Everybody's got to pull their weight. When they don't?
Dwight: Sausage.

  • Permalink: Sausage.
  • Added:

Agent Ruiz: I'm Agent Oscar Ruiz with the FBI. I'd like to ask you a few questions about a Dwight Manfredi.
Bodhi: Any Dwight Manfredi, or did you have a particular one in mind?

You know what I am, and you knew what I would do if I found out. This was justifiable vengeance.


Stable Hand: Can I ask you, sir, a question? Why this horse? He's old; he's stupid, not good for anything anymore.
Dwight: He kept you on your toes.

Chickie: I learned a word in the military. Deference. It means respect.
Dwight: Military. You talking about Dickson Academy?
Chickie: Yeah.
Dwight: It's a military school.
Chickie: I was a rank cadet.
Dwight: A pair of epaulettes doesn't make you George Washington. You know that, right?

Tulsa King Season 1 Quotes

I married this life, and after keeping my mouth shut for all these years, I'm gonna see if it married me back.


Dwight [exiting the airport and accosted by a grasshopper]: Whoa! What the hell is that?
Woman: It's a grasshopper. They're harmless.
Dwight: That thing's the size of my cock!
Woman: Excuse me?
Dwight: Actually, I'm more endowed than that, so [she sprays him in the face with holy water].