Jo: You comin' to the mass tomorrow?
Dwight: I'd like to say somethin' at the mass.
Jo: No, I don't think that's a good idea.

Joanne: He was just tryin' to help.
Tina: Right. Because the first person I thought of when I needed help was my dad.

Vince: What are you tryin' to do? Show me up?
Dwight: I show you up by showing up.

I'm afraid this isn't the bonding moment you think it is, son.


Tyson: What the hell are you doin? Did you follow me here?
Mark: No, I just set my GPS to dumbass mother fucker.

Badface: Mr. D!
Dwight: Yeah?
Badface: I ain't got a lot of friends, so this means a lot to me that you've included me in this beatdown. Ohkahay.

Armand: I can't sell it. They'll think I stole it.
Dwight: If I sell it, they'll think I stole it. I think shoveling horseshit has affected your brain, Armand.

Dwight: You interrupted my breakfast for this?
Armand: Dwight, it's an antique. It's like 19th Century. Pure copper. You ever see American Pickers? People go crazy for this shit.
Dwight: Sure. What household couldn't live without one of these?

You always have a home, Tyson, unless you choose not to. So, make your choice.


Dwight: The fact that it's barely 11 am and you got a buzz to kill makes me question your work ethic.
Bodhi: I'm selling weed, not operating a nuclear reactor.

Stacy: I'm just saying; at least he's got some integrity.
Agent: Nothing sexier than a cold-blooded killer with principles.

Tyson: You gettin' in?
Dwight: You would think for two grand a week, you'd get out and open the door.
Tyson: Seriously? You want me to do that shit?
Dwight: No, but it would have been nice if you offered.

Tulsa King Season 1 Quotes

I married this life, and after keeping my mouth shut for all these years, I'm gonna see if it married me back.


Dwight [exiting the airport and accosted by a grasshopper]: Whoa! What the hell is that?
Woman: It's a grasshopper. They're harmless.
Dwight: That thing's the size of my cock!
Woman: Excuse me?
Dwight: Actually, I'm more endowed than that, so [she sprays him in the face with holy water].