I warned you not to trust them, Bernard. They'd rather the hosts were destroyed than free.


Tell me the truth. Tell me one true thing.


No one else sees it, this thing in me. Even I didn't see it at first. Then one day it was there. A stain I never noticed before, a tiny flip of darkness invisible to everyone, but I could see nothing else til finally, I realized the darkness wasn't a mark from something I'd done or a regrettable decision I'd made. I was shedding my skin. The darkness is what was underneath. It was mine all along. And I decided how much of it I let into the world. I tried to do right. I was faithful, generous, kind; at least in this world. That has to count for something. I built a wall and tried to protect you and Emily. But you saw right through it, didn't you. You're the only one. And for that I am truly sorry. Because everything you feel is true. I don't belong to you or this world. I belong to another world. I always have.


What is a person but a collection of choices? Where do those choices come from? Do I have a choice? Were any of these choices ever truly mine to begin with?


When was the last time you took a look at your creation and what it has been learning about its subjects? It was self-knowledge that drew you to the park in the first place. Be careful what you wish for. For a self-portrait, you may find it's not very flattering.


Elsie: Hey, if you know something, now is the time to fucking clue me in, OK? You promised me: no lies, no secrets.
Ford: You can't trust her, Bernard. It's in her nature.
Elsie: What did you find in the cradle?
Bernard: What they're doing to James Delos, they're doing to everyone who visited the park.
Elsie: Replicating their cognition? Why? To turn guests into hosts? You're fucking kidding.
Bernard: That's what's in the facility. All the guests, laid bare in code, on a vast server. Like the cradle only much bigger.

I tried to chart a path for you to force you to escape, but I was wrong. I should have just opened a door. You've come so far, and there's so much of your story left to tell.


Kohana: Take my heart when you go.
Akecheta: Take mine in its place.

This world. It's wrong. It's not the world we belong in.


I don't know if you can hear me, but I never meant for any of this to happen. You don't deserve this. You deserve your daughter. To mother her, teach her to love, to be joyful and proud. I'm sorry.


Now it's time to find the door before the Deathbringer ends us all.


We are all bound together, the living and the damned.


Westworld Quotes

The newcomers are just looking for the same thing we are, a place to be free, to stake out our dreams, a place with unlimited possibilities.


Some people choose to see the ugliness in this world, the disarray. I choose to see the beauty. To believe there is an order to our days. A purpose.
