Neal: No more secrets Peter.
Peter: No more secrets.

If someone took away the person you loved - wouldn't you want them to know how it feels?


Mozzie: I showed you mine - you show me yours.
Diana: Don't ever say that again.
Mozzie: Understood.

Neal: Espresso?
Peter: I've always liked espresso.
Neal: No more ugly FBI mugs for you. I think you missed your calling - tiny cup big office expensive suits.
Peter: Ugly mugs are fine.
Neal: Don't fight your instincts Peter - embrace your true self.

Peter: If I pull the strings - you think you could land the job?
Neal: Marketing - I could do marketing.

Peter: Can you see me?
Elizabeth: I can.
Peter: Look at us being a modern couple.
Elizabeth: Looks like you have everything you need.
Peter: Not everything. Let me show you the best part of the room you (a framed picture of Elizabeth).
Elizabeth: Awe. Well thanks for bringing me along.

I answer to no one Nancy Drew.


We all want the same thing - if we can come together - together being the key word - than we could move forward.


Peter: If you could just show me where to set up.
Wesley: I'm sorry.
Peter: My office - where is it?
Wesley: Peter - this is your office.

I look good.


White Collar Season 2 Episode 8 Quotes

Peter: If you could just show me where to set up.
Wesley: I'm sorry.
Peter: My office - where is it?
Wesley: Peter - this is your office.

I look good.
