Scooter: You're still trying to get me in bed with Carlo's daughter?
Rita: If you can pretend to be interested in a fat girl, you can fake a bit of passion for a middle-aged woman.
Scooter: I never faked it with you, baby!

Bertram: That's your excuse to steal? To impress a bunch of snobs?
Alma: Bertram, if you will help me through this very trying day, I promise I will stop complaining about all those people you killed. Think about it. From this moment on, we'll be even.
Bertram: What a lovely vase.

Speaking of nails, how do you ladies keep your hands so lovely and tend to your gardens? Mine are just a fright from all the weeding and thorns. [the ladies burst into giggles]


Alma: Bertram, they're here. Put the kettle on, and get your jacket.
Bertram: You weren't this nervous when the police showed up.
Alma: There's not a cop alive that scares me as much as Rita Castillo does.

Vern: I'm sorry, but I can't be bought.
Rita: Please. Everyone has a price.
Vern: So how much did Mr. Castillo pay for you?
Rita: I beg your pardon?
Vern: It's obvious. You never loved him. You only married him cause you knew he'd buy you pretty things. But that didn't fill up that hole in your soul, so you got yourself a gigolo, fooled yourself into thinking that he loved you. Now you know he didn't, so you're starting to panic cause you finally learned that the real thing ain't for sale. The guys who might have loved you back in the day are now only interested in fresher produce.
Rita: You can't speak to me that way! No one speaks to me that way!
Vern: Well, then no one's been telling you the truth.

Bertram: Why do you want to join a club you can only get into by pretending to be someone you're not?
Alma: This painting may not be who I am, but it's who I yearn to be! It's a healthier dream than some I could mention.

You've gotten away with how many murders? Honestly, I don't know how you've managed without me.


Vern: How you doin'? You OK?
Dee: Funny enough, yeah. I've put up with so much. My whole life, other girls got toast, and I got crumbs. I wanted more, but mom made me think that girls who aren't pretty should be thankful for whatever we can get, and I believed her. Then tonight, I finally said no. I deserve more. And I felt good.
Vern: What you did? It took guts. I'm proud of you.

This isn't our second honeymoon. This is our first crime spree.


Don't think that just because I helped you bury a body that I forgot about the dozens of people you killed!


My lover's name is, God help me, Scooter Polarski.


Scooter: I wish my rich lady friend was nice like you.
Dee: She pas your bills. She doesn't have to be nice.
Scooter: I feel really bad making you dress like that. But if my rich lady friend found out about us...
Dee: It's OK, Scoot. I know the score.
Scooter: Who knows? Maybe I'll kick her to the curb one day, and then you and I will-
Dee: Hey, do me a favor. Don't make promises you'll never keep.

Why Women Kill Quotes

You're a frump, and there's nothing wrong with that. But they don't let frumps into the Elysian Park Garden Club.

Mrs. Yost

My lover's name is, God help me, Scooter Polarski.
