Dee: Vern tried to convince me that you and daddy are involved, but I refused to believe him.
Alma: Of course you did.
Dee: I told him you and daddy were good people, incapable of murder.
Alma: Exactly. Now, if I could just find that lipstick. Oh!
Dee: But that brings me back to Scooter. Why tell him I was pregnant? Scooter said you expected him to be angry at the news. I just keep thinking, if you thought he'd be angry, why tell him? Did you hope he'd become violent and hurt Vern? Oh, but you couldn't want that. Unless Vern had uncovered the truth.
Alma: You haven't said a thing about the way I look.
Dee: What?
Alma: All of the work that I've put in on my hair and my nails, my clothes. It's all come together. Surely, you must have noticed?
Dee: Mom! What are you doing?
Alma: I think, when a woman's come as far as, well, it's a sin not to tell her she's beautiful.

Vern: Alma, all I want is your happiness. Let me prove it to you by dealing with Vern. Also, it's your big night tonight, isn't it? You're to enjoy it. Think of what all that shooting and escaping would do to your hair.
Alma: That is a good point. Very well. You may save me. [giggles]

Here's what I've come to learn about Alma. She is a sweet-talking vampire, and if she'd fought for the Nazis, we'd all be speaking German.


Scooter: If I do make it, tell him I'll buy him whatever he wants.
Dee: I'm hoping you gave him your good looks. That would be gift enough.
Scooter: It'd be better for him if he looks like an average Joe. That way, he won't expect so much from the world. Small dreams. That's the way to go.

Rita: Come on, Alma. Confess. It will make you feel so much better.
Alma: Oh, how I wish you were still in jail! If the police hadn't found that damned postcard letting you off the hook!
Rita: Postcard?
Alma: Yes, the maid's confession. Don't look at me like that. It was in all the papers.
Rita: The papers said she left a note. None of them said it was on a postcard. You murdered Isabel, too!
Alma: Now, hold on.
Rita: I knew she wouldn't have killed herself! I knew it!
Alma: Whatever it is you think you know, you can't prove any of it.
Rita: Perhaps not, but I can certainly make some noise.

Now, when I want something, I take it. When I have a problem, I fix it by myself, without help from you or anyone else. And let me tell you, it feels damn good.


Vern: So what's the deal? Why does Roman think you know something about that missing lady?
Dee: Because I do.
Vern: Do you want to clue me in?
Dee: Sure, but prepare yourself. I'm going to tell you stuff about my parents that will shock you.
Vern: I don't think I'll be as shocked as you think.

Rita: I can't believe that bitch told you, today of all days.
Scooter: I can't believe you knew I had a kid and didn't say a word!

Rita: Come on. Let's have an adventure.
Scooter: I guess I don't need to be an actor as long as you're my leading lady.

When we first met, you suggested I try a different occupation. I'm starting to realize why.


Rita: Scooter? What are you doing here?
Catherine: He lives here. You told him he would someday. Aren't you glad I made good on your promise?

The news isn't all bad. You thought you were a widow, and you are not.
