Doctor: Any chance you two are expecting?
Faith: Humph! Sorry we’re not together. And I’m definitely not having sex, so unless God himself is cooking up a plan, I’m not pregnant.

Michael: No! No! Why is your boyfriend here? Stay away from my case, Trent!
Angie: Listen, the park police called him in. If we don’t play ball, they could pull us off of it.

What the hell happened in these woods?


Will: Do you think he was praying?
Faith: Only if he was praying for death.

Will: My stupid detective brain doesn’t have an off switch. I wish it did.
Faith: Yeah, obsessive-lopping thoughts never work well. Want to talk about it?

Will: So, green truck?
Michael: I told you.

Before dyslexia, you know what I had? Stupid, lazy, worthless. I got cigarette burns for bringing the wrong type of soup from the pantry. So, I learned how to navigate the world without words. Every step of the way, there was someone there to tell me I was broken. I decided a long time ago I’m never letting anyone look at me that way ever again.


Will Trent Season 1 Episode 4 Quotes

Michael: No! No! Why is your boyfriend here? Stay away from my case, Trent!
Angie: Listen, the park police called him in. If we don’t play ball, they could pull us off of it.

Doctor: Any chance you two are expecting?
Faith: Humph! Sorry we’re not together. And I’m definitely not having sex, so unless God himself is cooking up a plan, I’m not pregnant.